Requires Java 8 or later (Junit 5 requirement)
See also:
- mockito/mockito#445
######Changes to the POM
<!-- exclude JUnit 4 -->
<!-- plus other spring modules you need -->
JUnit 5 dependencies
Spring 5 uses these version property names in parent POM
so probably a good idea to stick with these
needs SpringExtension, which is part of Spring 5/Boot 2, but not Spring 4.3.x/Boot 1.5.x
Currently, all that's needed to use the Spring TestContext Framework with JUnit 5 is to
annotate a JUnit Jupiter based test class with @ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class)
and whatever Spring annotations you need (e.g., @ContextConfiguration, @Transactional,
@Sql, etc.), but make sure you use @Test, @BeforeEach, etc. from the appropriate
org.junit.jupiter.api package.
<!-- artifact spring-test-junit5 is published here: -->
<!-- see -->
######Add the MockitoExtension class
A simple JUnit Jupiter extension to integrate Mockito into JUnit Jupiter to make tests somewhat simpler.
The MockitoExtension
showcases the TestInstancePostProcessor
and ParameterResolver
extension APIs of
JUnit Jupiter by providing dependency injection support at the field level and at the method parameter
level via Mockito 2.x's @Mock
annotation. This allows tests like:
@DisplayName("Checking @Mock Parameter is resolved")
void ensureDefaultRoleSetForNewEmployee(@Mock Role role) {
Employee employee = new Employee("anyone", role);
assertEquals("anyone", employee.getName());
######What to do if you can't use the Spring Boot Parent POM
The example POM uses the standard Spring Boot Parent POM, i.e.
If you can't use this because you already have a parent POM there are two choices:
- Add the Spring Boot Parent to the existing root parent. This is preferable since you still get the benefit of Spring maven plugin management and property overrides.
- Use a scope=import in the POM dependencyManagement element:
<!-- Import dependency management from Spring Boot -->
You will also need to manually configure the compiler plugin for Java 8 (i.e. assuming the
property for java.version
is set to 1.8):
Refer to the Spring Boot docs for other gotchas using this approach
For IDEs with JUnit5 support, make the following changes. This has the advantage that it prevents accidental imports of JUnit3/4 into tests. This is only useful for projects that don't need to support legacy JUnit tests (i.e. you are starting from sratch, or have converted all legacy tests to JUnit5 tests).
- Change the junit-platform-runner dependency to exclude the leagcy JUnit artifact:
exclude JUnit 4 if IDE has built-in support for JUnit 5
otherwise, need to keep it included for support of @RunWith(JUnitPlatform.class)
which runs JUnit5 tests in a JUnit 4 runner
- Under build/plugins in the POM, configure the maven-surefire-plugin to use the JUnit5 runner
This configures maven for native JUnit 5 run support to avoid
including the JUnit4 dependency, see the exludes above