Work in progress project to support development and operations around a semantic wiki, BDD, NRPE. Emphasizing minimum invention, data reuse, comprehensibility, ability to 'drill-down.' Advice and contributions welcome.
sudo npm install -g cucumber
cd devopsjs
npm install
edit config/localConfig.js based on this:
var c = {};
c.flatHostsFile = 'name of hosts flat file';
c.solrConfig = { host: 'yourhost', core: 'yourcore'};
- Initial wiki definition
- Refine with stakeholders
- Create BDD feature and scenarios on wiki
- Refine with stakeholders
- Generate cucumber stubs from test cases server nodejs code downloads features & scenarios based on query, generates stubs
- Tests 'pending' on wiki change or manual trigger, server nodejs runs tests and posts to solr, client js queries solr and displays results
- Implement test cases on server
- Tests 'fail'
- Implement code on server
- Tests 'pass'
- Validate with stakeholders
- Function and interface testing
- Refine definitions
- Operationalize
- add ''Every'' keyword to scenarios per ''Every'' definition, server nodejs runs tests and posts to solr
- can view current and historical test results
Developed for the Deflect project and Concordia CSFG.