Releases: worldoptimizer/HypeDataDecorator
Hype DataDecorator 1.2.8
- 1.2.8 Fixed bug that prevented mapDataAttribute to receive the default decorator
Hype DataDecorator 1.2.7
Minor update: Adding the hypeDocumentElm and sceneElm to event
Hype DataDecorator 1.2.6
Another refactor, comments in code, cleanup and direct observer
Hype DataDecorator 1.2.5
Renamed and refactored to Hype Data Decorator to reflect new capabilities
Hype DataFill v1.2.3
New interface:
// map based on class hence data-headline --> .headline with default innerHTML callback
// map based on class hence data-bgcolor --> .bgcolor with custom callback
HypeDataFill.mapDatasetToClass('bgcolor', function(elm, value){ = value;
// map based on selector with default innerHTML callback
HypeDataFill.mapDatasetToSelector('price', '', function(elm, value){
elm.innerHTML = new Intl.NumberFormat('de-DE', { style: 'currency', currency: 'EUR' }).format(value);
The Latest update was inspired by Mark Hunt from Tumult forums adding custom callbacks!
Also, I modified the read me and switched to semantic versioning. Minor update to observe class changes in IDE.
Removed recursive loops (10ms debounce).
Hype DataFill 1.2.2
Allowing for things like mapping data-bgcolor to the class .bgcolor and firing a custom callback when the data-bgcolor changes or is set.
// map based on class hence data-headline --> .headline with default innerHTML callback
// map based on class hence data-bgcolor --> .bgcolor with custom callback
HypeDataFill.mapDatasetToClass('bgcolor', function(elm, value){ = value;
// map based on selector with default innerHTML callback
HypeDataFill.mapDatasetToSelector('price', '', function(elm, value){
elm.innerHTML = new Intl.NumberFormat('de-DE', { style: 'currency', currency: 'EUR' }).format(value);
The Latest update was inspired by Mark Hunt from Tumult forums adding custom callbacks!
Also, I modified the read me and switched to semantic versioning. Minor update to observe class changes in IDE.
Hype DataFill 1.2.1
Inspired by Mark Hunt from Tumult forums I added a third parameter custom callbacks!
Allowing for things like mapping data-bgcolor to the class .bgcolor and firing a custom callback when the data-bgcolor changes or is set.
HypeDataFill.mapDatasetToClass('bgcolor', '.bgcolor', function(elm, value){;
Also, I modified the read me and switched to semantic versioning. Minor update to observe class changes in IDE.
Hype DataFill 1.2.0
Inspired by Mark Hunt from Tumult forums I added a third parameter custom callbacks!
Allowing for things like mapping data-bgcolor to the class .bgcolor and fireing a custom callback when the data-bgcolor changes or is set.
HypeDataFill.mapDatasetToClass('bgcolor', '.bgcolor', function(elm, value){;
Also, I modified the read me and switched to semantic versioning.
Hype DataFill v1.1
- 1.0 Initial release under MIT-license
- 1.1 Added option to set initial value