adminBOT is system administrator day-to-day small and medium size automation bot tool based on pyTelegramBotAPI. It can accomplish various tasks from launching simple backup process to switching off antivirus on domain computer.
- Python 3.6 - high-level programming language for general-purpose programming... but I do not think that this language needs any introduction.
- pyTelegramBotAPI - a simple, but extensible Python implementation for the Telegram Bot API.
- psutil - cross-platform lib for process and system monitoring in Python.
- Batch.
- os - module provides a portable way of using operating system dependent functionality.
- glob - unix style pathname pattern expansion.
- SQLite-SQL database engine.
- hashlib -module implements a common interface to many different secure hash and message digest algorithms.
- archiving
- folder backup
- database backup
- system information gathering
- services restart
- geting logs about tasks accomplised
- special 'command line' mode for immediate Windows/Unix terminal
- increased security - passwords are stored in database as "salted" md5.
- attached database- possibility to save files and other information in lightweight database.
- command-based security functions and advanced authentication & authorization algorithms - every task is checked for authorization. 30-minute user-session applied for each command session.
- SQL tasks execution
- SQL Server Reporting Services integration (report execution and report obtaining as chat attachment)
- SQL Server Integration Services integration (task execution)
- "Webhook" usage
There is description of files in repository:
Main folder:
- - main bot file.
- adminBOT.db - SQLite database for bot.
- - configuration file.
- - password based authentication & authorization functions.
BATs folder
- folderbackup.bat - file backup based on file age in folder.
- mysql_backup.bat - MySQL Database backup.
- restart_oo.bat - Windows service restart.
Want to contribute? That is great! Please Fork and Pull to main branch.
- Author appreciates any size of contribution.
- Have some Issues or thoughts to share? You can share it via opening Issue or sending an email that is mentioned in the end of page to author.
Project is distributed with MIT licence.
That mean that:
- This software and derivatives may be used for commercial purposes
- This software may be modified
- This software may be distributed
- This software may be used and modified in private
- This licence includes a limitation of liability
- This licence explicitly states that it DOES NOT provide any warranty
- A copy of the licence and copyright notice must be included with the software.
You can contact with author through [email protected] mail.
Additionaly I am adding links to social network accounts and blog.