var fs = require('fs');
var horseshoe = require('./');
var file = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + 'template.hjs', 'utf8');
var template = horseshoe.compile(file);
var ret = template.render({
type: 'dog'
2. 本模板语法基于 Mustache ,并做了以下修改
{{% layout.hjs content }}
{{@content}}Default Content.{{/content}}
{{% index.hjs content }}
{{@content}}Index Content.{{/content}}
{{% 对应模板 }}
{{i}} : {{name)}}
{{key}} : {{name}}
list: [
{name: 'a', age: 3},
{name: 'b', age: 4}
object: {
'foo': {name: 'foo'},
'bar': {name: 'bar'}
0 : a
1 : b
foo : foo
bar : bar
<div class='bar-chart'>
<div style='width: {{ value * 100 }}%;'>{{ i + 1 }}</div>
Or it could mean formatting a currency so that 1.79 renders as £1.79p:
<p>Price: <strong>{{ format( price ) }}</strong></p>
Or it could mean adding a class based on some condition:
<a class='button {{ active ? "on" : "off" }}'>switch</a>
Or it could mean filtering a list to exclude certain records:
{{# exclude( list, 'N/A' ) }}
<li>{{author}}: {{title}}</li>
{{/ end of filter }}