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A simple WebRTC signal server using node.js and Supports multyinstances and multythreds.


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Chat Signal server

Supports signal layer and http api for authentication.


  • Linux (Ubuntu 18.04 or analogs)
  • nginx
  • Redis
  • Node.js 18
  • npm 9.7.2
  • SSL
  • Configure nginx for correctly working with WebSockets
  • Setup environment variables
  • Docker, docker-compose (optional)
  • client (for client app)


# No watching mode
npm run run

# Production mode with Docker
npm run prod

# Production mode with pm2, multithreading mode (do not user with Docker)
npm run pm-start

# Stop app (Production mode with pm2)
npm run pm-stop

# Restart app (Production mode with pm2)
npm run pm-restart

# Run with docker
docker-compose -p demo -f docker/demo/docker-compose.yml up -d --build

How to run

  • Clone project from git or download archive
  • Configure nginx for correctly working with HTTP and WebSockets
  • Install node.js and npm
  • Run command npm install
  • Run app with one of commands
  • Create app token with HTTP POST request /app
  • Make WebSocket connection with server
  • Send auth WebSocket request and get token
  • Then use this token you can subscribe on events and send messages to server or use /demo page

Config with node

  • Make file /public/scripts/config.js
  • Write ice servers config (you can use /public/scripts/config.example.js file for example)

Config with Docker

  • Make file /public/scripts/config.js
  • Write ice servers config (you can use /public/scripts/config.example.js file for example)
  • Make file /docker/local/.env
  • Define env variable by example in file /docker/local/.env.example


WebSocket: wss://



  • POST /app - Adding application and receiving app token

This is forever lifetime token for one application. For example if you want use signal server from mobile app and web frontend you should get two tokens. First - for mobile app, second - for frontend web app. Do not call it every time for every connection.


Name Type Require Default value description
app String Yes Null App name
password String Yes Null Backend password

Request example:

curl \
--location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'app=demo-chat-test' \
--data-urlencode 'password=demo-chat-password'

Response example

    "status": 200,
    "error": null,
    "response": {
        "token": "eyJh24gfb6bGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhcHAiO2f5iJkZW1sc32fvLWNo21cwsYXQifQ==.ffa9cd61db2383ad8bj850c79fd3e6fdef9da7abd4c028b22647cd312e179edf1aee71ebb"


Example with

const token = 'type your token from POST /app request' // app token
let sessionToken = null; // user session token
// create io object
const socket = io({
    transports: ["websocket"],
    auth: {
        token: token
// try to connect
const socket = socket.connect(this.url)
socket.on('connect', () => {
    // sending auth request with token
    socket.emit('auth-request', token)

    // listens auth accepted message
    socket.on('auth-accept', data => {
        // save user session token
        sessionToken = data.token

        // then you can send message to server
        socket.emit('room-create-request', { room: 'your room name', auth: sessionToken })

    // listens auth rejected message
    socket.on('auth-reject', data => {

Also you can use native JavaScript or another clients. But you should be sure your websocket messages is right. are use numeric prefix for all messages in connection (you can read about it on protocol page).

See more information about it here:

Emits base info (ws messages emits from client)

In any emit you can send payload field, it will be send to related events. You can use this mechanism for transfer additional data between users over signal server. But don't abuse it, a long payload data will be rejected. Do not send secret data (tokens, passwords and another) over this method, only public data between roomates.

For example:

# Local user send join room request
socket.emit('room-join-request', { room: 'test-room', auth: sessionToken, payload: { user_login: 'foo' } })

# Room owner listen this event
socket.on('room-join-request', data => console.log(data))
/* output:
        room: 'test-room',
        payload: { user_login: 'foo' },
        peerinfo: { foo: 'bar' }

You can send peerinfo field in auth-request event. This information will add to current user socket peer and will be send with emits related with current user. For example with events room-join-request, room-join-accept, room-user-join, room-user-leave, ice-candidate, session-description.

Emits (ws messages emits from client)

- auth-request

Dispatched when user wants to auth his ws session


Name Type Require Default value description
token String Yes Null App token
peerinfo Any No Null Any String or Object with current user info


socket.emit('auth-request', {
    token: sessionToken,
    peerinfo: {
        user_db_id: 10,
        user_db_login: 'John Doe'
    payload: {
        foo: 'bar',
        baz: 'ban'

- room-create-request

Dispatched when user wants to create a new room


Name Type Require Default value description
auth String Yes Null User Auth token
room String No uuid Room name to create


socket.emit('room-create-request', { room: 'test-room', auth: sessionToken })

- room-join-request

Dispatched when user wants to join to existing room


Name Type Require Default value description
auth String Yes Null User Auth token
room String Yes Null Room name to join


socket.emit('room-join-request', { room: 'test-room', auth: sessionToken })

- room-join-accept

Dispatched when room owner accept user (candidate) join request


Name Type Require Default value description
auth String Yes Null User Auth token
room String Yes Null Room name to join
peer_id String Yes Null User candidate socket id
to String Yes Null User (candidate) who will receive message (same as peer_id)


socket.emit('room-join-accept', {
    auth: sessionToken,
    room: 'test-room',
    peer_id: '123',
    to: '123',

- room-join-reject

Dispatched when room owner reject user (candidate) join request


Name Type Require Default value description
auth String Yes Null User Auth token
room String Yes Null Room name to join
peer_id String Yes Null User candidate socket id
to String Yes Null User (candidate) who will receive message (same as peer_id)


socket.emit('room-join-reject', {
    auth: sessionToken,
    room: 'test-room',
    peer_id: '123',
    to: '123',

- relay-session-description

Dispatched when local user try to connect with remote user


Name Type Require Default value description
auth String Yes Null User Auth token
room String Yes Null Room name to join
peer_id String Yes Null User candidate socket id
to String Yes Null User (candidate) who will receive message (same as peer_id)
session_description String Yes Null Local Session Description object offer


const peer_id   = '321'; // Remote user Socket ID
const iceConfig = { ... } // Your ice servers config
const peer  = new RTCPeerConnection(iceConfig, {"optional": [{"DtlsSrtpKeyAgreement": true}]})
const offer = await peer.createOffer()
await peer.setLocalDescription(offer)

socket.emit('relay-session-description', {
    auth: sessionToken,
    to: peer_id,
    peer_id: peer_id,
    session_description: offer,
    room: 'test-room',

- relay-ice-candidate

Dispatched when local user accepted his ICE info, then user should send ICE info to another users in room.


Name Type Require Default value description
auth String Yes Null User Auth token
room String Yes Null Room name to join
peer_id String Yes Null User candidate socket id
to String Yes Null User (candidate) who will receive message (same as peer_id)
session_description String Yes Null Local Session Description object offer


const peer_id   = '321'; // Remote user Socket ID
const iceConfig = { ... } // Your ice servers config
const peer  = new RTCPeerConnection(iceConfig, {"optional": [{"DtlsSrtpKeyAgreement": true}]})
const offer = await peer.createOffer()
await peer.setLocalDescription(offer)

peer.onicecandidate = event => {
    socket.emitSocket('relay-ice-candidate', {
        to: peer_id,
        peer_id: peer_id, 
        room: 'test-room',
        ice_candidate: {
            sdpMLineIndex: event.candidate.sdpMLineIndex,
            candidate:     event.candidate.candidate

Events (ws messages emits from server)

- unauthorized

Dispatched when local user token is not passed or expired


Name Type description Example
message String Error message Token is not valid


socket.on('unauthorized', data => console.log(data))
/* output:
    message: 'Token is not valid'

- auth-accept

Dispatched when local user successfully authorized (this is an answer on auth-request event)


Name Type description Example
token String Error message Token is not valid


socket.on('auth-accept', data => console.log(data))
/* output:
    token: 'T123123qweqweqw.1213rr2qr23r2.23423234r23'

- auth-reject

Dispatched when local user was failed authorization (this is an answer on auth-request event)


Name Type description Example
message String Error message Token is not valid


socket.on('auth-reject', data => console.log(data))
/* output:
    message: 'Token is not valid'

- room-create-accept

Dispatched when local user was successfully created new room (this is an answer on room-create-request event)


Name Type description Example
room String Room name test-room


socket.on('room-create-accept', data => console.log(data))
/* output:
    room: 'test-room'

- room-create-reject

Dispatched when local user was successfully created new room (this is an answer on room-create-request event)


Name Type description Example
message String Error message Room already taken someone else


socket.on('room-create-reject', data => console.log(data))
/* output:
    message: 'Room already taken someone else. Please type another room name or stay it blank'

- room-join-request

Dispatched only on room owner when remote user wants to join room and he sent room-join-request event


Name Type description Example
room String Room name Test room
peer_id String Remote user socket id 123321123321
peerinfo Any Remote user info { foo: 'bar' }


socket.on('room-join-request', data => console.log(data))
/* output:
    room: 'test-room'
    peer_id: '123321123321',
    peerinfo: {
        foo: 'bar'

- room-join-accept

Dispatched when room owner was accept local user room-join-request (this is an answer on room-join-request event)


Name Type description Example
room String Room name Test room
peer_id String Local user socket id 123321123321
peers Array List of all remote users socket ids in room ['1231231231231', '3453453453453']
peersinfo Record<string, Any> List of all remote users info in room { '1231231231231': { foo: 'bar' }, '3453453453453': { baz: 'ban' } }


socket.on('room-join-accept', data => console.log(data))
/* output:
    room: 'test-room'
    peer_id: '123321123321'
    peers: [
    peersinfo: {
        '1231231231231': { foo: 'bar' },
        '3453453453453': { baz: 'ban' },
        '5643567456756': { baz: 'ban' },

- room-join-reject

Dispatched when room owner was reject room-join-request (this is an answer on room-join-request event)


Name Type description Example
message String Error message Room ower was reqject your request


socket.on('room-join-reject', data => console.log(data))
/* output:
    message: 'Room ower was reqject your request'

- room-user-join

Dispatched when remote user join in the room (this is an answer on room-join-request event for all users in room)


Name Type description Example
room String Room name Test room
peer_id String Remote user socket id 123321123321
peerinfo Any Remote user info { foo: 'bar' }


socket.on('room-user-join', data => console.log(data))
/* output:
    room: 'test-room'
    peer_id: '123321123321',
    peerinto: {
        foo: 'bar'

- room-user-leave

Dispatched when remote user leave from the room


Name Type description Example
room String Room name Test room
peer_id String Remote user socket id 123321123321
peerinfo Any Remote user info { foo: 'bar' }


socket.on('room-user-leave', data => console.log(data))
/* output:
    room: 'test-room'
    peer_id: '123321123321',
    peerinto: {
        foo: 'bar'

- ice-candidate (WebRTC Handshake)

Dispatched when remote user sent his ice candidate


Name Type description Example
room String Room name Test room
peer_id String Remote user socket id 123321123321
ice_candidate Object Remote user ice candidate { candidate: '', sdpMLineIndex: 0 }
peerinfo Any Remote user info { foo: 'bar' }


socket.on('ice-candidate', data => console.log(data))
/* output:
    room: 'test-room'
    peer_id: '123321123321',
    ice_candidate: {
        candidate: 'candidate:4248172766 1 udp 2122260223 62375 typ host generation 0 ufrag IEYX network-id 1'
        sdpMLineIndex: 0
    peerinfo: {
        foo: 'bar'

- session-description (WebRTC Handshake)

Dispatched when remote user sent his session description


Name Type description Example
room String Room name Test room
peer_id String Remote user socket id 123321123321
session_description Object Remote user session description { sdp: '', type: 0 }
peerinfo Any Remote user info { foo: 'bar' }


socket.on('session-description', data => console.log(data))
/* output:
    room: 'test-room'
    peer_id: '123321123321',
    session_description: {
        sdp: 'v=0\r\no=-...'
        type: 'offer'
    peerinfo: {
        foo: 'bar'


A simple WebRTC signal server using node.js and Supports multyinstances and multythreds.







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