Navigation : Technology--Setup Local--Project Features--Project Images--Issues--Ower Info
- Python Web Framework Django as Backend
- HTML, CSS & Framework BootsTrap
- JS
- For Frontend, Mundana BootsTrap Blog Templates.
- For Frontend User Admin Panel, SB Admin 2 .
- Frontend Templates Mundana Bootstrap Blog .
- Frontend User Admin Panel SB Admin 2 .
- Clone this Project
git clone
- Go to Project Directory
cd Multi-Authors-advanced-Django-Blog
- Create a Virtual Environment :-
- for Windows
python -m venv env
- for Linux/Mac
python3 -m venv env
- for Windows
- Activate Virtual Environment
source env/bin/activate
- Install Requirment Packages
pip install -r requirments.txt
- Migrate Database :-
- For Windows
py migrate
- For Linux/Mac
python3 migrate
- For Windows
- Create SuperUser :-
- For Windows
py createsuperuser
- For Linux/Mac
python3 createsuperuser
- For Windows
- Finally Run the Projects :-
- For Windows
py runserver
- For Linux/Mac
python3 runserver
- For Windows
- Dedicated Users Frontend Admin Panel.
- Frontend Login/ Register System.
- User`s Sides (Frontend) -
- Users can register.
- Users can login/logout.
- Users can add Posts.
- Users can Show / Hide Posts.
- Users can edit posts.
- Users can Delete Posts.
- Admin`s Sides (Frontend) -
- Admins can add posts.
- Admins can add Categories.
- Admin can edit posts.
- Admin can edit categories.
- Admin can delete Posts.
- Admin can delete categories.
- Admin can add users and delete users.
- Admin can make posts Features.
- Admin can Approve or Pending posts.
- Blog Posts Features -
- Blog`s Menu shows categories with most posts under them. Highest to Lowest.
- Posts are showing by Featured,by Recently added,by Categories, by most views count.
- Only the Active/Approved ,not the pending post, will show.
- Each Post has Visit Count.
- Post can be featured or popular by most views counts and comments.
- Each post has comment features.
- Has Subscription System to collect Emails for further email marketing.
- Releted posts by users.
- Search Facility.
- Dedicated Single Category page by ( featured, popular, recently added).
- Social Media Sharing System & Much More.
This project is scalable. Anyone can contribute here. Anyone can use it as it is Under MIT License .
If anyone wants to contribute to the project then first make an Issues here.
For further information anyone can knock me at Email & Facebook which is given in the Owner Info.
Thanks !!!
Md. Nazrul Islam Yeasin
Email : [email protected]
Github : yeazin
FaceBook : Yea Sin
Linkedin : Yea Sin