1.0.0 (2024-04-30)
Bug Fixes
- .p-selectbutton (db66979)
- $wrap and $direction (145bd5a)
- 0 == null caused alpha to go to 1 (31fe4ec)
- active text color (1f633f9)
- added hover effect for eye icon (f0e86e2)
- added size property to Dialog component (9090b34)
- always return files not func (84c7696)
- animation playing before it should (4e83d2c)
- array typeOf fix (03879d3)
- assign select user image top 1px fix (79d367f)
- assignee value updates as you add users (dd3564b)
- AssigneeSelect emptyIcon is icon (cfa27de)
- AssigneeSelect extends Dropdown and AssigneeField props (a4f39ae)
- base input size to 32px to match buttons (2df026f)
- better button focused outlines (c7aba20)
- better disabled values styling (a008116)
- better preview images (add0a4e)
- Button text hover color (fea4cf8)
- button uses props instead of classNames for states (0f33400)
- canceling outside click fix (4ec393a)
- change gaps to [1-3, 4-6] format (7081b37)
- change gaps to [1-3, 4-6] format (10faa5f)
- change gaps to [1-3, 4-6] format (50194a8)
- change to scss (9d3f237)
- changed canToggle to canRevealPassword (2b21e4a)
- changed default canToggle value for pass/text input (1485620)
- check files is a valid array (1a61946)
- check for React node before stringify (735aa3b)
- className and initials white color (1ae9b3a)
- className and style (249e16a)
- cleanup bg (6944a33)
- click outside closes dropdown (0f74b15)
- click to show more (62bed60)
- clicking outside with mixed would set all to same, now cancels (22376ff)
- Closing button props and type fix (d1ca501)
- custom errorMessage (57d0796)
- custom message (833eab3)
- date input zIndex (176229f)
- de-saturate primary-container blue (d43d89f)
- decrease transition time of image (832be0d)
- DefaultItemTemplate types (cb1d9e1)
- DefaultValueTemplate (5eac3db)
- delete broken component (959ddc0)
- delete broken deploy (78effed)
- deleted old Dialog component (992d684)
- Dialog open animation (5b8e6dd)
- disabled dropdown showing "select option" (a277544)
- do not submit when pressing space in search (63ae5a6)
- Dropdown "Multiple" to "Mixed" (0da981b)
- dropdown align right x pos fix (a8ac0fa)
- dropdown and assign select disabled styles (b18090f)
- Dropdown fixes (f41f4c0)
- Dropdown fixes (45df769)
- Dropdown flickering (7f08b18)
- dropdown going off page (eaa7743)
- dropdown going off screen position (be93c8c)
- dropdown had no background (589f55a)
- dropdown height 32px (fb5322e)
- Dropdown height 32px (8e284bd)
- dropdown icon right of Multiple() (5b3a973)
- dropdown item style fixes (60ff992)
- Dropdown now accepts null as value (185bc84)
- dropdown offscreen alignment with top of value (95db605)
- dropdown should ALWAYS be on top (04e2866)
- Dropdown story type fixes (d26304f)
- dropdown updates value as selecting (4b554b6)
- dropdown z-index and 0.5.1 (4b8da0e)
- DropdownRef (57f8750)
- editable enter always creates new item (4112c1b)
- editable hit enter bug returning undefined (ca4ab7b)
- enter then enter setting null on selection (e0566f5)
- enter then enter was returning [['value']] (57417a7)
- entityCard forward className (5e575ff)
- EntityCard img (fb46702)
- EntityCard style tweaks (c62e2e9)
- EntityCard thinner borders (17e28ef)
- error states, hover and active (dc972f1)
- error tooltip at the top (a728abf)
- export css modules (43808cb)
- export sorting dropdown (5e26c5a)
- exports overwriting types (100c6a5)
- exports overwriting types (51d78a0)
- expose dropdown default templates (27a4521)
- extend dialog props (133b64a)
- extend Dropdown and value props (f5012d1)
- fade img in on load (26c23b2)
- file upload sort files by name first (32b8ea1)
- fixed positioning and padding for eye icon (62b5bb7)
- fixed size property issues from CR (26a8cab)
- focus on search when click add new items (6b82e07)
- FormRow props fix (b660769)
- FormRow styling props (660f1d5)
- hide using opacity instead of visibility (4b0e7ae)
- hoz padding on dropdown tags (ab2d580)
- HTMLDivElement (f707b5f)
- icon for editable (6653ab9)
- icon showing for tags (f6bafea)
- icon size to 20px (3ac3b01)
- Icon type fix (21ccf3a)
- IconProps (a756b1e)
- IconProps Omit Icon (8f60221)
- IconSelect hover issue (248697b)
- IconSelect updates value (b222b98)
- IconType fixes (7d565e1)
- image div to span (f6c7c7f)
- image loading states (c354f97)
- image not showing (34ce1af)
- img onload fix (501d549)
- improve dropdown animation (11f7912)
- improve dropdown searching algo (9f385f5)
- improved surf-con-low-hover (aa056dc)
- improved switch colors (7bcd077)
- improved UX for locked input (0c04897)
- increase dropdown animation speed (89eeda3)
- initial state not updating (15db41c)
- InputSwitch enter key (9bb8315)
- isChanged style fixes (857b223)
- isFullHighlight hover as well (7938289)
- isMultiple same value blocked (7955253)
- isOpen to $isOpen (815ad10)
- keep old colors for backup (956cba4)
- keyboard support (526a417)
- labelKey bug fix (f48224e)
- loading dom error (0ebb680)
- locked input disable whilst editing bug (244d3ac)
- log cleanup (9976770)
- make switch smaller (854de40)
- make widthExpand true the default (6ece0ee)
- minus 2 from width to compensate for border (6480971)
- modal open animation fix (6aeeab1)
- modal open fade and scale animation fix (ef7129d)
- move panel direction styles into css (f08ae98)
- new Dialog animation update (8c35b8e)
- new onSelectionChange prop (3a4c9bf)
- no image background light (2dcbef5)
- onClearNoValue fix (34260dd)
- onClearNoValue prop to show clear button even with no value (8639f30)
- onClearNoValue prop to show clear button even with no value (f2fb2e9)
- one option left select even if not selected (7853609)
- only show 2 gaps before compressing (2edddd9)
- only show 2 gaps before compressing (841ceb1)
- only show 2 gaps before compressing (0f22293)
- OP-6187_File-upload-drag-and-drop-broken (1446867)
- openOnFocus (d96edf9)
- overflow field padding (94057cd)
- overflow scroll (4acd9c5)
- overflow scroll (6a5fb05)
- overflow scroll (af108cb)
- OverflowField forward props (0184c22)
- padding on isCopy overflowField (aaba4c0)
- padding-bottom (a2e7263)
- Panel direction props (caa7f32)
- prevent duplicate files (9e02f23)
- prevent duplicate files (521d81a)
- prevent duplicate files (7cd2517)
- prime focus color (3363bd2)
- prime select same height as inputs (67763be)
- proper file type validation (da9e038)
- remove --color-row-hl (dfdff25)
- remove bad style (d43e0ba)
- remove broken imports (ff8afd7)
- remove console log (64b2162)
- remove console logs (2d09496)
- remove form tag (a8d35a6)
- remove grey background (c7b799a)
- remove modules export (f17b7dc)
- remove panel alignment (0a68eb1)
- remove set color for everything (8213646)
- remove slash to try to fix imports (c0362e6)
- remove sorting in VersionSelect (671ab26)
- remove sorting in VersionSelect (ad5d1eb)
- removed fixed width for input (8edca22)
- removed header and footer borders (6642b76)
- removed rogue console.log (ac24718)
- removed visibility toggle from TextInput (9f2c02f)
- replace autoFocus with open function on ref (ecd4ee2)
- replace old --color-hl-changed (9722f44)
- resize (783f47e)
- returning strings instead of floats (1fcbc36)
- search through email (2391bf5)
- Section use direction, wrap props (b0272cb)
- selected active state (1bdbc60)
- separate onClear and onClearNull (74d0d84)
- set main as release branch (887deb1)
- set max dropdown items when searching (b939042)
- set max file size to show preview image (8965789)
- set valid image on erro (e57e098)
- settings color changes (82381aa)
- sort fullName or name alphabetically (be68ef7)
- SortingDropdown fixes (a4da73c)
- storybook uses new theme (64f299f)
- style for tagsSelect (73bf629)
- styles import (52eccac)
- Switch checked true and disabled (cc2efb5)
- Switch compact smaller (497eaff)
- Switch disabled styles (54825aa)
- table colors (74b1ab7)
- table row boolean show as disabled switch (a34c9ec)
- table row hover fix (e5e4cf0)
- TableRow supports date type (9717c4a)
- tags select adds to value as tags are added (25648a9)
- TagsSelect width prop (ba051f9)
- text overflows (ae2241b)
- thumbnail hover (853b755)
- title (172253d)
- title (8c570a8)
- title (ac3b1a1)
- top up 1px (c769fe1)
- type errors (cbe9260)
- typo (8bdb9c8)
- typography import (f27fda7)
- undefined or null value "-" (74c92bb)
- use border instead of outline (7d7779a)
- use check icon instead of disabled switch (62b7812)
- use full font to try and fix bold issues (95801d4)
- use local icons library to fix offline use (24b4e38)
- use offline static font files (834cadc)
- use thin scrollbars (8ad783e)
- userSelect: none (8dda31e)
- validation bug fixing (6ed9c86)
- validation bug fixing (411ad7b)
- validation bug fixing (98d85d3)
- value overflow hidden (928bf91)
- version bump 0.5.16 -> 0.5.17 (15c7e76)
- version bump 0.5.17 -> 0.5.18 (2889d8a)
- version select highlights current value (ccc43bc)
- version select story fix (ff87397)
- width expand new default (abf6c09)
- width fix for inputpassword in form (6b513e2)
- workflow switch to semantic-release (5b955aa)
- yarn and node issues (5ddf650)