Cross-lingual metaphor detection.
This tool is a partial implementation of the ACL'14 paper:
Metaphor Detection with Cross-Lingual Model Transfer
This tool requires the following dependencies:
- Python 2.7
- Natural Language Toolkit nltk
- A Python module for machine learning scikit-learn version 0.13
- English dependency parser TurboParser version 2.1.0
- Optionally: Russian dependency parser seman
- Important: Uncompress resources/VSM/en-svd-de-64.txt.tar.gz file before running the tool
tar -zxvf en-svd-de-64.txt.tar.gz
The following script demonstrates commands needed for installing the dependencies: ``````
Update from Apr 15, 2015: The new versions of scikit-learn are not backward compatible, and the tool breaks. To run the tool install older versions of scikit-learn, scipy and numpy in an virtual environment like this: (big thanks to Lingpeng Kong for figuring this out!)
- Install virtualenv: sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv
- Create a virualenv and install there older versions (see below)
- Whenever you run the tool activate the virtualenv like this:
source metaphor_env/bin/activate
virtualenv metaphor_env
source metaphor_env/bin/activate
pip install nltk
export NLTK_DATA="where you have the nltk_data, if not use to get them"
pip install nose==1.3.6
pip install numpy==1.8.1
pip install scipy==0.12.1
pip install scikit-learn==0.13
For usage example run the script:
1. relation type (*svo* or *an*)
2. format of the training files (*input-text* or *input-rel*)
3. path to metaphoric training file
4. path to literal training file
./ \
svo \
input-text \
resources/TroFi/metaphorical.txt \
./ \
an \
input-rel \
resources/AdjN/training_adj_noun_met_en.txt \
1. relation type (*svo* or *an*)
1. path to relations input file (see examples in ./input/*)
./ svo input/svo_mets.txt
Output format:
Tab-separated text file sentence-aligned to the input file with the following fields:
1. the original relation
2. predicted sentence label "M" or "L"
3. json-formatted metaphor candidates with labels
1. path to input file split to sentences
./ path_to_file
Output format:
Tab-separated text file sentence-aligned to the input file with the following fields:
1. the original sentence
2. predicted sentence label "M" or "L"
3. json-formatted metaphor candidates with labels
Output example:
Care to offer some evidence that this bald assertion is true? <tab> M <tab> {"bald assertion": "M", "offer evidence": "M"}
- Adjective-Noun and Subject-Verb-Object English and Russian metaphorical and literal test sets along with annotator judgments:
- Adjective-Noun 884 metaphorical and 884 literal pairs used for model training:
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