Taipei Day Trip is a website that allows you to discover and explore special attractions in Taipei city.
Demo website :
Test account and password: [email protected] / 1234qwer
Test Card Number: 4242 4242 4242 4242 / Date: 01/26 / CVV: 123
- Member system with JWT token.
- RWD with CSS Flexbox.
- Infinite scroll and image carousel with pure CSS.
- Shopping cart page for user to confirm the schedule.
- Third-party payment system with TapPay.
- Member page for user to modify thire information.
- Store images with Azure Blob Storage.
- Python (Flask)
- Nginx
- SSL (Zero SSL)
- Uvicorn ASGI
- Azure VM
- Azure Blob Storage
- Pytest (Python)
- Git / GitHub
- Javascript