Releases: yutkat/dotfiles
Releases · yutkat/dotfiles
- neovim: Reduce use of vim.fn
- neovim: Switch to nvim-lint and format-on-save.nvim since null-ls was archived
- neovim: Change the plugin manager to lazy.nvim
- neovim: Remove all config using Vim script
- neovim: Switch from Vim script made plugins and remove all Vim script
- neovim: Enable copilot
- misc: Delete Japanese comments
- sway: Use CopyQ and Ulauncher instead of rofi
- wezterm: Use as a terminal multiplexer
- font: Change to udev-gothic from Cica
- neovim: Remove disabled vim script plugin config
- neovim: Change LSP from coc.nvim to nvim-lsp & nvim-cmp
- theme: Change theme to nordfox
- neovim: Change the note-taking plugin to telekasten from zk
- neovim: Change vimrc more Lua
- neovim: Change the statusline to lualine
- color: Change the theme to onedark
- terminal: Change to wezterm
zsh: Change the cli-package manager from zinit to asdf
- neovim: Change the note-taking plugin to zk from neuron
- misc: Change aur helper to paru
- i3: Change bar from i3blocks to i3status-rust
- neovim: Change debugger to nvim-dap from vimspector
- neovim: Change bufferline to nvim-bufferline from barbar.nvim
- neovim: Change the location used by the task runner from QuickFix to terminal.
- neovim: Change terminal integration plugin to toggleterm from floaterm
- browser: Change the default browser to vivaldi
- neovim: Remove if has('nvim')
- neovim: Improve startup speed by delaying plugins
- neovim: Do not support Vim(Neovim only)
- neovim: Change vim plugin manager to packer from vim-plug
- Apply XDG base directory structure to zsh, tmux, other apps
- i3: Change theme to black
- installer: Change installer's script directory