Summary for mada (Mathematik für die Datenkommunikation) at FHNW.
Files are written with the Mac-Tool "Archimedes" which combines Markdown and LaTeX.
There might be other tools that can work with these files. If you find such a tool or a workflow that you like, please share it over this repository!
As the output from Archimedes is several pages long and I have no idea how to resize images in Markdown, I found that the best practice for me is to throw the output-pdf into InDesign and assemble a nice summary to use in exams.
[email protected] wrote the initial content. As long as you retain this notice you can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a coffee in return.
Please consider contributing!
The content of these files has been compiled with meticulous care and to the best of my knowledge. However, I cannot assume any liability for the completeness or accuracy of any file.
Use with caution and common sense!