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My Express Starter Api

Project Overview:

This is my express starter for building rest api with typescript , JWT , mongodb


The project follows a modular architecture, with components organized into the following directories inside the src folder:

  1. config: Contains configuration files for the application, such as environment variables and database configurations.
  2. controller: Handles incoming requests, processes them, and returns appropriate responses.
  3. db: Manages database interactions, including connecting to the database, defining models, and executing queries.
  4. middleware: Contains middleware functions that intercept requests before they reach the route handlers, used for authentication, error handling, etc.
  5. routes: Defines the routes for different API endpoints, mapping them to corresponding controller functions.
  6. services: Contains business logic for various functionalities of the application, separating it from the controller layer.
  7. test: Houses test files for unit and integration testing, ensuring the reliability and correctness of the code.
  8. types: Contains TypeScript type definitions for better code readability and maintainability.
  9. utils: Holds utility functions used across different parts of the application, promoting code reusability.

Packages Used:

  • Express (4.18.2): Web framework for Node.js, used for building the backend server.
  • Mongoose (7.4.0): MongoDB object modeling tool designed to work in an asynchronous environment.
  • Jest (29.7.0): JavaScript testing framework used for writing and running tests.
  • Supertest (6.3.3): HTTP assertion library, used with Jest for testing HTTP endpoints.
  • JWT (9.0.1): JSON Web Token implementation for user authentication.
  • Nodemailer (6.9.4): Module for sending emails, used for notification purposes.
  • Winston (3.11.0): Logging library for Node.js, used for logging application events and errors.
  • Cors (2.8.5): Middleware for enabling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) in Express.js.
  • Express Validator (7.0.1): Middleware for validating request data in Express.js applications.
  • Cloudinary (2.0.1): Media management solution for handling image and video uploads.


Scripts :

  • npm run build: "Transpile TypeScript files into JavaScript using TypeScript compiler.",
  • npm run dev: "Start development server with live reloading for TypeScript files.",
  • npm run doc: "Generate documentation using TypeDoc.",
  • npm run seed: Seed the database with initial data after transpiling TypeScript files.",
  • npm run start: "Start the production server.",
  • npm run test: "Run tests using Jest with environment setup and cache disabled.",
  • npm run lint: "Lint TypeScript files for code quality issues.",
  • npm run lint:fix: "Automatically fix linting errors in TypeScript files."

Getting Started:

Follow these steps to set up and run the project locally:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd express-starter
  3. Install dependencies: npm install or yarn install
  4. Set up environment variables ( database connection string, JWT secret) you can find it in .env.example
  5. Start the backend server: npm start or yarn start

To add later: pre-push commit with npm run test


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