Pyfire is released under the [MIT License] license.
The python library for QT is required.
For Ubuntu based systems, PyQT4 is in the official repositories, and can be installed the following way:
$ sudo apt-get install python-qt4
For Arch Linux, PyQT4 is in the extra repository, and can be installed with:
$ pacman -S pyqt
Other OS should refer to the [PyQT4 download page] pyqt-download
For Ubuntu based systems, Keyring is in the official repositories, and can be installed the following way:
For Ubuntu (GNOME):
$ sudo apt-get install python-keyring-gnome
For Kubuntu (KDE):
$ sudo apt-get install python-keyring-kwallet
For Arch Linux, Keyring is in an AUR repository. If you have yaourt yaourt, you can install it with (if you don't have yaourt, you should really [get it] yaourt
$ yaourt -S python-keyring
Other OS should read [Python Keyring installation docs] keyring-install.
Depending on your Desktop Environment, you will need the proper notification library installed.
For GNOME in Ubuntu:
$ sudo apt-get install python-notify
For GNOME in Arch Linux:
$ pacman -S libnotify notification-daemon python-notify
For KDE: No need to install a notification library.
For Ubuntu based systems, PyOpenSSL is in the official repositories, and can be installed the following way:
$ sudo apt-get install python-openssl
For Arch Linux, PyOpenSSL is in the extra repository, and can be installed with:
$ pacman -S pyopenssl
Other OS should read [PyOpenSSL download page] pyopenssl-download.
For Ubuntu based systems, Twisted is in the official repositories, and can be installed the following way:
Ubuntu Lucid (10.04): the version included in the official repositories (10.0) is older than what Pyfire requires. You can use twisted PPA's repository instead, and install Twisted:
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:twisted-dev/ppa
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install python-twisted
Ubuntu Maverick (10.10): the version included is what Pyfire requires, so Twisted can be easily installed with:
$ sudo apt-get install python-twisted
For Arch Linux, Twisted is in the extra repository and can be installed with:
$ pacman -S twisted
Other OS should refer to the [Twisted download page] twisted-download which shows how to install Twisted on several platforms.
If you wish to run the latest version of Snakefire, without having to explicitly install it, follow these instructions:
Get the latest development version by cloning from its GIT repository:
$ git clone git:// $ cd snakefire $ git submodule init $ git submodule update
You can keep up with the latest updates by accessing the directory where you installed Snakefire, and running:
$ git pull --rebase
If you are on KDE, install the notify configuration to your home directory by running the following commands from the directory where you installed Snakefire:
$ export KDE_LOCAL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --localprefix` $ mkdir -p $KDE_LOCAL_PREFIX/share/apps/Snakefire $ cp resources/*.notifyrc $KDE_LOCAL_PREFIX/share/apps/Snakefire $ killall knotify4
You are now ready to run Snakefire. Enter the directory where you installed Snakefire, and do:
For *Arch Linux*, you have to use python2:
$ python2
For other OS, do:
$ python