Develop the best Zapier integration for your app with Zapier's Platform UI and CLI
Zapier Platform UI is the easiest way to build new Zapier integrations in an online visual builder without any coding.
- Try Zapier Platform UI:
- Build a basic integration with the Platform UI Quick Start tutorial
- Learn more in Zapier's Platform UI Documentation
Zapier Platform CLI is the most advanced way to build integrations in your local development environment with your team's source code management and custom testing.
- Install Zapier Platform CLI and build a sample integration in the CLI Quick Start guide
- Learn more in Zapier's Platform CLI Documentation
- Find detailed info on the Zapier Platform in the Zapier Platform Schema from our built-in code docs
- Start quicker with our templates Zapier Example Apps
Maintain existing Zapier integrations built with Zapier's original web builder:
The Zapier Visual Builder Docs website is built on Ruby and Jekyll. You'll need to make sure to have a few things installed before moving forward:
Note: We recommend using Ruby Version Manager (rvm) to manage various versions of Ruby.
Once you've installed Ruby, Bundler and Jekyll you're ready to clone this repo.
git clone [email protected]:zapier/visual-builder.git
Now you'll want to install all of the dependencies to make this repo run.
bundle install
You should now have all of the packages installed and are ready to get up an running!
bundle exec jekyll serve
Go to in your browser and you'll be viewing a local instance of the Zapier Retreats. Now you can make updates to the site and see them change instantly in your browser! 🚀
✍️ Ready to make some changes? Check out our contributing guidelines.
Please feel free to ask a developer or post in #design for help.
Create a new folder in the docs
folder with the format of _name
. For example:
Open up _includes/side-nav.html
and add the following code but replacing example
with your new collection name (e.g. updates
). Note: the order of the side bar retreat items reflects the order of the code.
{% include side-nav-item.html title="example" items=site.example section_id="example" current_section=current_section %}
Open up _config.yml
. Add the following code to collections section (replacing example
with your collection name), respecting the order that you used in side-nav
output: true
permalink: /:collection/:name
Next, add this code to the defaults
section (replacing example
with your collection name):
- scope:
path: ""
type: "example"
layout: default
Open up the _drafts
folder and duplicate the
file (which has names of headings, sub-headings, table of contents, etc) and place it inside your new collection (e.g. _updates
). So it would look like this:
This part of the file is called Front Matter:
title: name
order: 1
layout: post
redirect_from: /name/
Here's what this information means:
- The
title: name
is what appears on the side bar and top of the browser window. - The
order: (number)
determines placement in the left navigation. - The
layout: post
is default, but you can addlayout: post-toc
which will add the table of contents on the right based on theh2
you use. - The
just put the name of the collection (e.g. _updates).
Repeat to add more posts.
If you are using a language that contains curly braces, you will likely need to place {% raw %} and {% endraw %} tags around your code. Learn more.
The subscribe URL which looks something like `{% raw %}{% templatetag openvariable %}form_id{% templatetag closevariable %}/webhook.json{% endraw %}`
{% highlight javascript %}
{% raw %}
var Zap = {
pre_subscribe: function(bundle) {
bundle.request.method = 'POST';
bundle.request.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; = $.param({
url: bundle.subscription_url,
append_data: 1
return bundle.request;
post_subscribe: function(bundle) {
// must return a json serializable object for use in pre_unsubscribe
data = z.JSON.parse(bundle.response.content);
// we need this in order to build the {% templatetag openvariable %}webhook_id{% templatetag closevariable %}
// in the rest hook unsubscribe url
return {webhook_id:};
pre_unsubscribe: function(bundle) {
bundle.request.method = 'DELETE'; = null;
return bundle.request;
{% endraw %}
{% endhighlight %}
Changes merged to master go directly to production.
Please feel free to ask a developer or post in #design for help.