- maths ( 4_fourTh - q_kvAlvTh ) , zemistry ( 9_nineTh - q_kvAlvTh )
- zinglish seo & marketiNg ( 7Th - J_zilevnTh - bca/mca)
- zava810/Android rust810 python ( L_tenTh - J_zilevnTh - bca/mca .. )
- gimp , kdenlive , linuxmint , notepad++ ( 7Th - J_zilevnTh - bca/mca)
pliiz try hksuletr.apk, hpop_u5.apk u5.ttf (zfont 3 needed) At:
class cl_long810{
int desiml_point_pozition ; long nmbr810;
cl_long810(string nmbr810_in_figures, int desiml_point_pozition)
this.desiml_point_pozition = desiml_point_pozition;
this.nmbr810 = util.parse_int_810(nmbr810_in_figures);
steps tu instal roboto510(hindi) roboto810(heksadesiml) roboto810p(programming phont & hpop kibord on android mobail
- daunload & install roboto510 roboto810 robotobin
- font can be edited using fontforge open source softveyr.
- hao tu instal phont on yuAr mobile dipAnds on yuAr mobail modAl
- yu kn du gugAl src - custom font install android 2019
- iph it is xiomi Dn use miui font installer old method.
- hpop instalesAn
- aphtr instaling roboto_heks_jk.ttf daunload hpop.apk
- Dn opAn hpop.apk & instal in yuAr Androed mobail.
it siims vi shud kaunt on phiNgArs & yuj Thmbs tu sho & haid.
photos & qnimesqns bilo
vidiolist hbord vidio heksmqxhs2 giphyvidio
haski_8_10 midori braujr project viwh heksifglish button "h"
midori braujr viwh heksifglish button vith 'h' label.
vhen user press this button , tekst on current vebpage gets changed as in bilo steps :
- all capital case gets changed to small case: A-Z -> a-z ( like cntr+u in notepad++)
- all f, q, w, x, z gets changed as : f->ph , q->k , w -> v , x->qks, z->j
- all :;<=>? gets changed as : -> A , ; -> B , < -> C , = -> D , > -> E , ? -> F
- page gets refreshed but phonts gets changed to roboto_heks_jk.ttf
- onli phur smal_kes roboto_heks_jk/zk/jq/zq phonts heksifglish
- minu kiij tu suport mintos ( minu tri opretifg sistm)
- phfksnl minu ki
- objqkt minu ki
- qndqrskor is gud phur programifg. kqmql_kes & qpqr_kes not gud
- GZ not weyr. riplesd bai gud simbqls phur modqrn programifg lqfgyuejis laik html5 javaskript templet_programifg
- heksadesiml nmbrs
- gitHb ripojitri
- [roboto phonts daunlod qur instal kre][roboto heksbin phonts]
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- liNkdin
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- blogspot
- rAdit
- lifkdin artikl