Application to simplify deployment of web applications on kubernetes
- Deploy web apps to kubernetes cluster
- No Dockerfile file or kubernetes yaml files required
- Build packs for different runtimes like java, node-js, react-js, python, dot-net-core & golang
- Integrated Cloud Native Tekton CI/CD pipelines for application deployment
- Built in tasks for common operations like fetch and build source, build and store containers & deploy apps
- Faster and optimized in-cluster container builds using Makisu
- Helm based deployment
- Git Webhook support for continuous integration
- Cluster level application visibility
- Support for application history and rollbacks
- Application and pipeline log streaming support
- Multi-tenancy and project level segregation support
- Built in user management and fine-grained access controls
- Ketchup-UI web based user interface for all operations
- Kubernetes cluster, version >= v1.16.0 and <= v1.19.0
- Tekton pipelines installed on the cluster, version >= v0.19
- Helm CLI client, version >= 3
- Kubectl Client, version >= v1.16.0 and <= v1.19.0.
- MySQL, version >= 5.7
- Login into mysql and create mysql database schema to store all ketchup data
create database ketchupdb;
- Switch to ketchup database
use ketchupdb;
- Create ketchup tables with initial data
source ketchupdb-init.sql
Create an file in the current directory to store all ketchup configuration
Sample configuration:
spring.datasource.tomcat.min-idle=15 = org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5Dialect = false = true
Update mysql details in using following properties
- spring.datasource.url
- spring.datasource.username
- spring.datasource.password
Update token.signing.key property to a random secret value
(Optional) Update Ketchup base URL (ketchup.base-url) property to a URL which can be used to access ketchup application from kubernetes clusters where apps will be deployed Note: use internet accessible domain for CI using cloud git repositories like GitHub and Gitlab
Run following helm commands to install ketchup API server
applicationProperties variable is set to location of file.
helm repo add ketchup
helm repo list
helm repo update
helm install ketchup-core ketchup/ketchup-core --set-file applicationProperties=./
- Check installation
- Run the following command, it should list ketchup-core as one of the releases
helm list
- Run the following command, it should show one pod for ketchup-core
kubectl get pods
- Run following commands to expose ketchup API server outside cluster
export KETCHUP_API_SERVER_POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace default -l "," -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
kubectl port-forward $KETCHUP_API_SERVER_POD_NAME 8097:8097
- Access all API's via swagger UI in the browser using following URL
Install Ketchup UI
- Create UI configuration file config.js in the current directory. Here is sample below
Update window.REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL property to API server URL accessible outside kubernetes cluster.
Run following helm commands to install ketchup API server
applicationProperties variable is set to location of config.js file
helm repo add ketchup
helm repo list
helm repo update
helm install ketchup-ui ketchup/ketchup-ui --set-file applicationProperties=./config.js
Check installation
- Run the following command, it should list ketchup-ui as one of the releases.
helm list
- Run the following command, it should show one pod for ketchup-ui.
kubectl get pods
Run following commands to expose ketchup UI outside cluster
export KETCHUP_UI_POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace default -l "," -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
kubectl port-forward $KETCHUP_UI_POD_NAME 8080:80
- Access UI in the browser using following URL
- Login using admin credentials in the tenant using following credentials
username: [email protected]
password: Pass@123
- Kubernetes cluster, version >= v1.16.0 and <= v1.19.0.
- Tekton pipelines installed on the cluster, version >= v0.19
- Helm CLI client, version >= 3
- Kubectl Client, version >= v1.16.0 and <= v1.19.0
- MySQL, version >= 5.7
- Java JDK, version >= 1.8
- Git, version >= 2.6.0
- Clone the code repo
git clone
- Prepare database
- Update in src/main/resources folder
- Build and package jar, run following command inside the root directory of project
mvn clean install
- Run application
java -jar target/ketchup-core-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
- Access all API's via swagger UI in the browser using following URL
- (Optional) Install Ketchup UI to work with API's via web interface