- This is a simple converter that will read a
file and convert it into markdown format.- It works on the command line or included as a standalone script.
- Run
php docx2md.php
to see a list of available options and how to use the converter
require_once 'docx2md.php';
$converter = new Docx2md\Docx2md;
$converter = $converter->parseFile('word.docx');
$markdown = $converter->markdown;
echo $markdown;
- This was put together based on code snippets from a closed-source project written in 2011.
- It would be trivial to extend this script to work on a webserver baring in mind the management of file uploads may need to be considered.
- Since most of the conversion work is left to XSL transformations, this utility could be very easily ported to another language other than PHP.
- PHP was chosen because existing code snippets were already written in the language.
- I look forward to any pull requests or bug reports to help make this converter as reliable as possible.