This ptoject is inspired by chriso/nginx_parser, big thanks to him.
Currently, there is only python implementation. You can just download the single python file into your working directory. I will add ruby implementation when time permits.
##python read nginx log file
from nginx_log_parser import NginxLogParser
parser = NginxLogParser('$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" ' + \
'$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" "X" ' + \
'$server_name "$http_user_agent" "$request_time" "-X-" "$upstream_addr" "$upstream_response_time" "$bytes_sent" "$request_length" ') #feed a nginx log config
with open('path/to/nginx/log','w') as fp:
for f in fp:
parser.parse_line(f)#will return a dict. Keys in the dict are the variable name in the nginx config, values are the real result in the log file
#do things
#Limitation You should provide properly wrapped nginx log config.If there is a space in the value, you should wrapp it with a " or anything that is not part of variable name([\d\w_]). Of course, you should make sure the wrapping character will never show up in the value.
#License MIT License! Do what you want.