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friarsol edited this page Apr 10, 2022 · 1 revision

What follows is a rough start of an API document for cardscripts.

Property Description
A Ability
Colors Color(s) of the card

When a card's color is determined by a color indicator rather than shards in a mana cost, this property must be defined. If no identifier is needed, this property should be omitted.

Colors:red - This is used on Kobolds of Kher Keep, which has a casting cost of {0} and requires a red indicator to make it red.

Colors:red,green - Since Arlinn, Embraced by the Moon has no casting cost (it's the back of a double-faced card), the red and green indicator must be included.
DeckHints AI-related hints for a deck including this card
K Keyword
Loyalty Number of starting loyalty counters
ManaCost Cost to cast the card shown in mana shards

This property is required. It has a single parameter that is a mana cost.

* ManaCost:no cost for cards that cannot be cast
* ManaCost:1 W W sets the casting cost to {1}{W}{W}
Name Name of the card

A string of text that serves as the name of the card. Note that the registered trademark symbol cannot be included, and this property must have at least one character.

* Name:A Display of My Dark Power sets the card's name to "A Display of My Dark Power"
Oracle Oracle text
PT Power and toughness
R Replacement effect
S Static ability
SVar String variable. Used throughout scripting in a handful of different ways.
T Triggered ability
Text Text on card
Types Card types and subtypes

Include all card types and subtypes, separated by spaces.

* Types:Enchantment Artifact Creature Golem for a card that reads Enchantment Artifact Creature -- Golem

** Parameters for abilities and variables and known accepted values **

(incomplete list):

  • AB$: Ability
  • Ability$: Ability
  • ActiveZones$: Zone
  • Affected$: Card
  • AffectedZone$: Zone
  • ChangeNum$: Integer
  • ChangeValid$: CardType
  • ColorOrType$: Type
  • Cost$: Cost
  • Count$: xPaid
  • DB$: DB
  • Defined$: Player, Card
  • Description$: Text
  • Destination$: Zone
  • DestinationZone$: Zone
  • DigNum$: Integer
  • Duration$: UntilYourNextTurn
  • Event$: Event
  • Execute$: DB
  • Hidden$: boolean
  • KW$: Keyword
  • LifeAmount$: Integer
  • `MayPlay$: boolean
  • Mode$: Mode
  • Name$: Text
  • NotCause$: Ability
  • NumAtt$: +1
  • NumCards$: Integer
  • Optional$: boolean
  • Origin$: Zone
  • Produced$: ManaType
  • References$: SVar
  • ReflectProperty$: Property
  • ReplaceWith$: Text
  • SP$: Spell
  • SpellDescription$: Text
  • StackDescription$: Text
  • Static$: boolean
  • SVars$: SVar
  • TargetMax$: Integer
  • TargetMin$: Integer
  • TargetPrompt$: Text
  • TriggerDescription$: Text
  • TriggeredCard$: Property
  • Triggers$: Mode
  • TriggerZones$: Zone
  • Valid$: Triggered
  • ValidCard$: Card
  • ValidTgts$: Player, CardType
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