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Releases: MachiganMC/ProtectedDebugStick

[2.6.0] Support for MC 1.21.3 & 1.21.4

14 Dec 21:49
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Major changes :

  • Add support for Minecraft 1.21.3 & 1.21.4 (1.21.2 isn't added, because Spigot include it in 1.21.3). Big thanks to @BAD7777 for the help
  • Add support to language ru. Again big thanks to @BAD7777

Minor changes :

  • Fix properties of MC between 1.20.0 and 1.21.0 wasn't included in MC 1.21.1.

[2.5.0] Support for MC 1.21.1

18 Aug 11:55
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Major changes :

  • Add support for Minecraft 1.21.1.

Minor changes :

  • Update zh-zn (thanks again to @ItsDApples for the translation).

[2.4.0] Update to MC 1.21

21 Jun 01:52
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Major changes :

Minor changes :

[2.3.0] Wiki and chinese translation

21 May 16:24
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Major changes :

Minor changes :

  • Improve performance when preventing edited blocks to be modified.
  • The properties multiple-facing and redstone-wire are, each, now divided in 4 properties based on the face of the block to facilitate the editing.
    The permission and the name in the config will not change.
    Example :
    • multiple-facing-north,
    • multiple-facing-east,
    • multiple-facing-south,
    • multiple-facing-west.
  • The name of the permission about the chunk has changed from pds.chunk. to pds.command.chunk. because the action is an argument of a command and not a specific action.
  • The property end-portal-frame has been renamed to eyed for a more logical name. The permission is now and to config the durability the section is now Settings.Durability.EYED.
  • The config of the durability of the property moisture is now present in the config files.
  • The property signal-fire is now working.

[2.2.0] The version update

23 Dec 01:17
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Major changes :

  • The plugin now supports multiple version of Minecraft (1.19 to 1.20.4).
    Note : the crafter and trial spawner will not be supported in this version of the plugin because they are experimental. A support will be provided certainly in 1.21.x.

Minor changes :

  • There is now a check to know if a new version is available. A player with pds.version permission (by default to op) will receive a message at connection if there is a new version (the message is not customisable).
  • Support now CustomModelData, juste add field CustomModelData in the item's section you want a custom textures. Example :
        Material: "BAMBOO"
        Name: "#33FFBB&lBASIC DEBUG STICK"
        CustomModelData: 100
  • Fix the lore of the basic debug stick not updating when changing it config and performing a /pds reload-config. A restart of the server was needed.

[2.1.0] Compatibility with Minecraft 1.20.1

02 Sep 14:55
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Major changes :

  • Passing API version of Spigot to 1.20.1.
    The plugin is not compatible anymore in version 1.19.x and lower of Minecraft.
  • Add new properties of Minecraft 1.20.1 :
    • Brushable : Apply on Suspicious Block, represents how far the block is uncovered.
      The value goes from 0 to 3. 0 is the value when a suspicious block is found naturally.
      In vanilla, the Brush is used to edit this property.
      Default durability : 3
    • Occupied Slot : Apply on Chiseled Bookshelf, represents if a slot of the block contains or not a book.
      The value is a list of five booleans, each element of the list represents a book. If set to true, the slot contains a book.
      In survival, the player cannot take a book that has been placed with the debug stick.
      Default durability : 3
    • Petals : Apply on [Pink Petals (, represents the number of petals on the block.
      The value goes from 1 to 4.
      Default durability : 20
      Be careful with this property, if using with the infinite debug stick ! A player can have an infinite quantity of petals by setting to 4, breaking it and repeat by placing a new petal.
  • Changing the way to store data in the debug stick. To prevent issue in the future modifications/deletions of properties. All the debug stick given is now unusables.
    A message (customizable) has been added to alert the players when their debug stick is unusable.

Minor changes :

  • Correction of an issue that prevented files from being generated.
  • Add protection to cancel the use of a debug stick if another plugin cancels the interaction event. (@MCCasper)

[2.1.1] Better lang system

26 Sep 21:46
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Major changes :

  • The way to change the lang of the plugin changed. Now the user has to change the value of Lang in the config. Currently, the two possibles values are en and fr. By default, the en will be chosed if invalid lang value is set.
  • For more organisation, the lang files has been moved to a new folder called lang.
  • In addition to that, for more performance, the user has to reload the config if he wants the message to be updated (via /pds reload-config). Like that, the plugin will not parse the message file each time a message is send but only when the config is reloaded.
  • If one of the lang files doesn't exist anymore in the folder, when the plugin will be reloaded it will generate it.

Minor changes :

  • Fix an issue when the BasicDebugStick broke, it doesn't disapear and was considered as 'corrupted'.
  • Fix issue #14

[2.0.0] Compatibility with all territory plugin

28 Jul 19:16
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Major changes :

  • The plugin no longer depends on GriefPrevention. Now the plugin is compatible
    with all territory plugins.
  • New message handler :
    • The configuration of the messages is now in a separate file named messages.yml
      (or messages_fr.yml).
    • Support with PlaceHolderAPI.
    • A lot of placeholders (in addition to PlaceHolderAPI) for more customisation
      of the messages (e.g. display information about a block that the player edits).
    • Better description of each message.
    • Add personal variable. If a part of text is often used (for example, a prefix),
      it's possible to configure it as a placeholder to re-use it.
      # Example :
        # Declare the placeholder
        prefix: "#3399FF[<s:667db6>Debug<e:0082c8>#3399FF-<s:0082c8>Stick<e:667db6>#3399FF]&r"
      # ...
      # And use it in an example message 
      ExampleMessage: "{prefix} &aIt's an example message"
    Before using these new functionalities, read documentation about it at the top
    of all message files.
  • Now the value of properties that a player modified is now forced. If the value
    should be modified because of event. This will (for example) prevent the seed
    from growing or the lamp redstone to be turned off.
  • The use of the debug stick is now different and more similar to the vanilla debug
    • left-click: change the current property to edit.
    • right-click: edit the property.
    • shift + left-click: see all editable properties and their values.
    • shift + right-click: clear persistent values, now the value of properties
      is not anymore forced.

Minor changes :

  • Change the name of some permission for more logic.
  • Change the name and configuration of the fields in the configuration files.
  • Add a better log handler. In the future a compatibility with
    CoreProtect will be
  • Add a blacklist the world where the debug stick cannot be used
    (like for materials).
  • Add permissions to bypass the blacklists, the blockage of territory plugin.
  • Add all missing properties listed here.
  • Update the plugin for the Minecraft version 1.19.2.
  • It's possible to load any file from the resources folder with /pds load <file>.

Recipes Updates

18 Jul 22:33
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  • Now generates automatically the config file
  • The /pds reloadconfig works correctly
  • Cleaning the code
  • Before, if the player has a usable block in the second-hand, he could place it
  • Moving the persistent property from 'special' to 'creative' (question of logic with the new property 'distance')
  • Adding new properties :
    • Wall : applies on walls, defines which faces are connected (special)
    • Snowable : applies on grass block, defines if the block is snowy or not (special)
    • Distance : applies on leaves, defines how far the block is from tree has to be to disappear (if they aren't 'persistent')
    • Layers : applies on snow, defines their layers of snow
  • Adding 2 new loggers when a player change a property (each can be disabling) :
    • In the console
    • In files, one file per day stocked in the "logs" directory, to not flood the console
  • Adding a way to prevent the player that his debug stick will break soon
  • Adding the possibility to create your own recipes for the debug stick

1.0.0 - First Release

14 Jun 20:04
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First version of the plugin !