This code uses machine learning/DeepLearning (YOLO) to classify/tag different objects in the scene (persones, cars, etc) using images and pointclouds.
Taging object is done using boundining boxes in the images and velodyne pointclouds, applications can be used as high level semantic segmentation combining both sensor sources.
This code have been tested under ROS Kinetic and Ubuntu 16.04. This is research code, expect that it changes often and any fitness for a particular purpose is disclaimed.
Author: Agustin Ortega, [email protected]
An Example of the results can be seen in this video
[ROS] ( Kinect or bigger (this code was tested in with melodic and kinect)
[PCL] ( (Point Cloud Library)
OpenCV (computer vision library),
boost (Boost library),
Eigen (Eigen)
we need to have a catkin space created, follow theses intructions to install catkin (see the link below):
In order to install project_selfdriving we need to unzip the file to catkin_ws
cd catkin_workspace/src
git clone --recursive
then build catking
catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
Yolo supports CUDA that accelerates 500 faster the processing but just supported with compilers smaller than version 6. To compile
catkin_make -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/g++-6 -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/bin/gcc-6
The yolo-voc.weights and tiny-yolo-voc.weights are downloaded automatically in the CMakeLists.txt file. If you need to download them again, go into the weights folder and download the two pre-trained weights from the COCO data set:
And the pre-trained weight from YOLO v3 can be found here:
In order to install project_selfdriving we need to clone the repo
cd catkin_workspace/src
git clone
then build catking
catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
Be sure the rosbag is in the folder data using this link:
create a folder data and move there
mv _2017-12-06-20-02-29_Cam0Fltrd_VLP32C_Mall_Clockwise.bag data
**Note: this is the tedious and boring part but is needed to run the program using rosbags.
Unfortunally this code uses rosbags as input, you can create your own robag data for using kitti dataset:
you can dowload an experimental rosbag from
copy to the folder data
mv kitti_2011_09_26_drive_0084_synced.bag data
for running the example using the rosbag velodyne
roslaunch project_selfdriving project_selfdriving.launch
for runing the example using the kitti dataset
roslaunch project_selfdriving project_Selfdriving_kitti.launch
**NOTE: both programs runs rviz to visualize results, please be sure you have it install it.
This node connect YOLO and some BB algortihms for generating tags
You want to test with your datasets then you need to modidy the following files inside of config/: ros.yalm, cam_calib.yalm, setting.yalm. These files contain all the topic read and written (publishes and subscribers).
you can modify camera calibration parameres using the following file:
you can modify topics (publishers and subscribers)
All the date saved are in a kitti files that contains the bounding box associates with the images (2D) and pointclouds (3D)
kitty format file is saved in:
Bounding box is creation is not perfect because:
- incomplete pointcloud,
- noisy points clouds
- small delay( YOLO runs in GPU 500 faster than PCL for projecting and generating bounbing boxes)
idea to solve this issue is to have a clustering to add the complete pointscloud
Suggestion or comments email to Agustin Ortega [email protected]