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drgoku282 edited this page Nov 26, 2017 · 3 revisions

Note: This function is available but not really tested in Ultra Sun / Ultra Moon. Open a issue if you find some problems.

The event handler is a feature that will continuously poll for Pokemon party data, and execute custom commands when certain events happen. Currently, the only two supported events are when Pokemon party slots change, and when a party Pokemon's HP reaches zero.

The intended purpose of the event handler is to copy sprite image files on the local computer, such that they match the current party of Pokemon. This is especially useful for Twitch streamers, because streaming software such as OBS can be configured to watch for image file changes, and update a stream's visual layout automatically.

For this reason, the event handler settings have been pre-populated with commands for copying image files. A user need only adjust file paths for their own computer, to take advantage of this feature. However, any command(s) can be run.

To customize the commands that run for each event, open the Tools tab in PKMN-NTR, and click the Event Handler button. A command line can be configured for each event. Click Apply to save changes. Commands are saved to a text file, so that PKMN-NTR can re-populate the commands after being closed and re-opened.

If not connected already, make sure you are connected to your 3DS. To begin polling for party data, click the "Start Polling" button in the Tools tab. Every 5 seconds, party data is read, and commands are run, if appropriate. Click "Stop Polling" to stop polling the game for data.