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Plugin configuration

Christian Dangl edited this page Jan 10, 2023 · 23 revisions

There are many things you can configure in this plugin. Here is a description about every single configuration option.


Please configure these settings to make sure the communication from and to Mollie works correctly.

Configuration Default Description
LIVE Key - This is the API key that is used when in production mode (testing mode disabled). You need this is you are in production mode, and also if you want to test Apple Pay Direct. You can use separate keys for each sales channel if you'd like to.
TEST Key - This is the API key that is used when testing mode is enabled. You need this if you are in testing mode.
Test Mode ON This enables or disables the testing mode. If enabled, all payments will show (Mollie Test Mode) in your shop and will be done with the Mollie sandbox/testing environment. If disabled (default) your plugin is in production mode and real payments will be done.
Debug Mode OFF Whenever you run into some issue and need to provide more data to Mollie's support, the debug mode can help you gather that data. When enabled, every important step in the Mollie process is being logged in the Shopware log.

You can also test your API keys with the provided button.


Configuration Default Description
Use Shopware standard behaviour for failed payments ON If enabled, the default Shopware behaviour is done on failed payments. If disabled, Mollie will guide the user to the Mollie payment page for an easy selection of another payment method to retry the payment.
Enable Credit Card Components ON Here you can enable Mollie's credit card components, which enables a form in the checkout where a customer can fill out it's credit card details right in the checkout process. Read more about the credit card components here:
Enable Apple Pay Direct OFF If Apple Pay is active in your shop, you can also enable this integration to show Apple Pay buttons directly within your shop for a smooth checkout experience.
Apple Pay Display Restrictions - Hide the Apple Pay Direct buttons on different pages in your shop. All without coding, just with a simple configuration.
Create Customers at Mollie ON If enabled, the plugin will automatically create customers in your Mollie Dashboard and link the orders and transactions to these customers.
Use Mollie Payment Method Limits OFF If enabled, the plugin will automatically hide payment methods that are not available for the current cart total amount. Please see this page for about the limits of Mollie:
Custom format for order numbers - You have the option to set a custom format for the orders being generated in Mollie. You can use any text in here (prefix, suffix, ...). To add the dynamic order number, please use {ordernumber} as placeholder. This means you could create custom prefixes for e.g. test environments by just using "TEST-{ordernumber}", ...

This section does also contain a button to "Update payment methods". This will make sure that all payment methods are correctly installed in your system. In most cases, you do not need this button, because it should all work out of the box.

Order Management

Configuration Default Description
Bank Transfer Due Date (Days) - Here you can provide your custom due date in days for bank transfers. This due date is sent to Mollie. Mollie will automatically expire a bank transfer payment after the configured amount of days has passed.
Order Lifetime Days - Here you can provide your custom order lifetime in days orders. This due date is sent to Mollie. Mollie will automatically expire an order created at Mollie after the configured amount of days has passed.
Automatic Shipping ON If enabled, the plugin will automatically trigger a shipment at Mollie when the delivery status transitions to 'shipped'.

Refund Manager

Configuration Default Description
Enable Refund Manager YES Enable or disable the Refund Manager in the Administration. Disable to avoid employees using it, if an external system is responsible for your refund processes.
Automatically include Stock-Reset YES If enabled, the quantity for the stock-reset is automatically filled in as soon as you enter something in the "quantity to refund" field.
Verify Refunds YES If enabled, a verification checkbox needs to be confirmed before you can start the refund. We recommend this to avoid accidental refunds or stock resets.
Show Instructions YES Shows the instructions in the Refund Manager. You can turn these off, once you are familiar with all the features.

Order State Automation

Configuration Default Description
Paid Transaction - Defines what order status is used when transitioning to this payment status.
Failed Transaction - Defines what order status is used when transitioning to this payment status.
Cancelled Transaction - Defines what order status is used when transitioning to this payment status.
Authorized Transaction - Defines what order status is used when transitioning to this payment status.
Chargeback Transaction - Defines what order status is used when transitioning to this payment status.
Refunded Transaction - Defines what order status is used when transitioning to this payment status.
Partially Refunded Transaction - Defines what order status is used when transitioning to this payment status.
Final Order Status - Lock an existing order status as "final" status to avoid additional transitions. Only Refunds and Chargebacks will lead to transitions then. This is useful if you use logistics plugins that might set an order to "done" and then trigger a shipment in Mollie, which would lead to an update with the payment status "paid" from Mollie. This might then reopen the order which can be avoided with this feature.


Configuration Default Description
Enable Mollie Subscriptions ON Enables or disables the full subscription functionality. You can turn this off if you don't sell any subscription products. This will also hide the subscriptions in the Administration.
Show Subscription Indicator ON Shows a subscription indicator on the product detail page of a subscription product.
Allow customers to edit billing and shipping addresses for running subscriptions OFF If enabled, customers are allowed to edit their billing and shipping addresses in the shop. Please consider that no new shipping costs will be calculated for modified addresses. Countries are not allowed to be edited.
Allow customers to pause and resume running subscriptions OFF If enabled, customers are allowed to pause and resume running subscriptions. This also affects the availability of these features in the administration.
Allow customers to skip running subscriptions OFF If enabled, customers are allowed to skip running subscriptions. This also affects the availability of these features in the administration.
Skip Subscription renewal if payment fails OFF If skipped, the plugin will not create new orders on subscription renewals, if the payment was not successful. If not skipped, then a new order is created and the customer can pay again within Shopware.
Reminder period before renewal (days) 2 Set the days in prior to the renewal for sending renewal reminder events in the system (Flow Builder, Business Events, ...).
Latest notice period before renewal (days) - Set a notice period for customers before renewing the subscription. If a subscription renews on Friday and you use "2", then it can be cancelled with latest Wednesday. Use "0" to always allow cancellations.


Configuration Default Description
Create line item in Mollie Dashboard NO Create a custom line item in Mollie that contains the diff-value. Use this only in case of special setups with special roundings, multiple decimals in products or problems with rounding intervals.
Line item name - Set a custom name for your separate line item. This helps if you need to identify it in another system.
Line item SKU - Set a custom SKU for your separate line item. This helps if you need to identify it in another system.
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