This is Quantum Ethics, an Open Science project designed to develop a mathematically and conceptually coherent Quantum Field Theory and to derive its ethical implications. A full regularization of the Standard Model, based on a lattice formulation, is being used to achieve mathematical well-definedness. Quantum Measurement is being related to phenomenal consciousness, as suggested by the parallel reading of Spinoza's Ethics and of von Neumann's Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics. One of the key results is the derivation of a recurrence theorem for mental states, called Reincarnation theorem. This work is being published as a PDF and as a book by the CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.
If you are interested in getting involved in this project at any level — as a co-author, as a peer-reviewer or simply to give me feedback —, please feel free to contact me at [email protected], or directly fill in an issue and/or fork this repository and send me a pull request. I would really appreciate your help!