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Running Flask App with MongoDB using Docker :

Dockerfile Explanation

FROM python:3.8
ENV MONGODB_CONNSTRING="mongodb://localhost:27017"
COPY ./ /deploy/
COPY ./requirements.txt /deploy/
COPY ./templates /deploy/templates/
COPY ./static/css /deploy/static/css/
WORKDIR /deploy/
RUN pip3 install -r requirements.txt
ENTRYPOINT ["python", ""]

Using the Python 3.8 base image from Docker Hub

FROM python:3.8

Copying the file from the local directory to the /deploy directory in the container

COPY ./ /deploy/

Copying the requirements.txt file from the local directory to the /deploy directory in the container

COPY ./requirements.txt /deploy/

Copying the contents of the templates directory from the local directory to the /deploy/templates directory in the container

COPY ./templates /deploy/templates/

Copying the contents of the static/css directory from the local directory to the /deploy/static/css directory in the container

COPY ./static/css /deploy/static/css/

Setting the working directory to /deploy

WORKDIR /deploy/

Installing the Python dependencies listed in requirements.txt using pip

RUN pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Exposing port 80 to allow external access


Setting the command to run when the container starts as 'python'

ENTRYPOINT ["python", ""]