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Analysis of types of resource

victoriamorris edited this page Jan 8, 2025 · 4 revisions

Analysis of types of resource


When migrating data from Aleph to Alma, it is assumed that all records describe physical resources. However, Alma uses different database structures for records for electronic and physical resources, therefore records for electronic resources must be converted from the Alma physical database format to the Alma electronic database format after load. This conversion is termed the p2e process. See (Ex Libris, n.d.).

Ex Libris require a list of Aleph system numbers for records to which the p2e process is to be applied.

We therefore need to analyse our bibliographic and holdings metadata (specifically BLL01 and BLL60) to identify which records describe or otherwise pertain to electronic resources.

Configuration of p2e

Ex Libris require the following configuration parameters to be added to the migration form:

  • The Sublibrary/location of the electronic resource (P2E Libs/Colls tab)
  • The Item material type which designates an electronic resource (P2E ItemMT tab). If left blank, all attached items to the bib record with a designated Sublibrary/collection in the previous tab will be considered to be electronic in the migration. This is an issue for print records with a URL, for example, as the print items must remain at their original material type.
  • P2E_LINK – the MARC field and subfield containing the URL at which the electronic resource is accessed (usually 856 $u).
  • P2E_NOTE – the MARC field and subfield containing the text to display as a public note in the online catalogue ($z is quoted in the Ex Libris documentation but in the BL this is 856 $y).
  • P2E_PROVIDER – the MARC field and subfield containing the name of the provider of the electronic resource (BL does not enter this in the 856 field, as mentioned in the Ex Libris training video. This element is optional but if felt to be required could be populated from 264 $a if possible - business decision needed.)

The P2E_NOTE and P2E_PROVIDER parameters are not required for migration. However, it is unclear whether records transformed without these parameters would be fully functional, or whether it would be essential for the parameter values to be set retrospectively.


These parameters must be set globally, i.e. we cannot specify different MARC fields and subfields for different subsets of our records. We may therefore need to move data from one field/subfield to another, add or delete subfields, to ensure consistency across BLL01. This may be a significant challenge given the current unavailability of Aleph.

Access methods

The BL currently utilises various methods by which resources described in BLL01 can be accessed:

Category of resource How is access displayed to the user? Is a holdings record (BLL60) required? How is content delivered? Notes
Physical resource Shelfmark in field 852, usually subfield $j Y ABRS This includes electronic resources on physical carriers, e.g. CD-ROMs.
Digital resource – ingested into digital store Field 852, where subfield $j usually contains a phrase such as “Digital store” or “ELD.DS” Y SFX service
Linked-to electronic resource URL in field 856 $u The 856 is usually in the bibliographic record. Holdings required if one copy ingested and one linked-out-to Direct URL This is the category of resource of primary interest for the p2e process.
SFX e-journal If the bibliographic record contains =859  \\$aXLD$bejournal$cSFX and the ISSN in field 022 $a matches a record held in SFX, an access link is created in the catalogue N A URL derived from the SFX record Only a very few records (300 to 400) have this – SFX was ultimately to replace use of 856 but was not fully implemented.
On Demand Field 856 where subfield $x contains “BLDSS” N Staff (manual ilment) The URL in field 856 is not actionable by the user and is not maintained. However, the records represent electronic resources.
ESTAR e-journal If the bibliographic record contains =EST  \\$a1 and the ISSN in field 022 $a matches a record held in ESTAR, an access link is created in the catalogue N A URL derived from the ESTAR record Some records contain the EST field even when they do not correspond to ESTAR records. Some access is location-dependent (i.e. reading room only).


SFX and ESTAR material is considered ‘linked-to’. However, the link providing access is stored in a system outwith Aleph, and there is no access link present in the bibliographic metadata. This means that the p2e process cannot be applied to either SFX or ESTAR material.

If we wished to include either SFX or ESTAR material in the p2e process, it would be necessary to derive access URLs from the SFX and/or ESTAR systems, and add these to the appropriate bibliographic records in BLL01.

On Demand requires discussion with the business (see section below).

Categorisation of records in BLL01

BLL01 records can be categorised according to the following properties:

  • Whether or not there is a resource associated with the record
  • Method(s) of accessing the resource (see section above)
  • For digital resources: ELD and/or XLD and/or ORR
  • Status of record (visible or suppressed)

Taking into account the properties above, as well as whether there are any errors in the fields being analysed, there are over 160 categories of record. These can be broadly aggregated as follows (rows of primary interest for this exercise are marked with a star ⭐ ):

Number of records Of which suppressed Category
14493083 136504 Physical holdings
146478 660 Physical holdings - Error
219716 39 Physical holdings + BLDSS link
3735 0 Physical holdings + BLDSS link - Error
3237 0 Physical holdings + BLDSS link + ESTAR
2781 0 Physical holdings + BLDSS link + ESTAR - Error
4 0? Physical holdings + BLDSS link + SFX
8 0? Physical holdings + BLDSS link + SFX - Error
54 0 Physical holdings + ESTAR
68 0 Physical holdings + ESTAR - Error
269499 311 ⭐ Physical holdings + Link
3424 0 ⭐ Physical holdings + Link - Error
394080 4 ⭐ Physical holdings + Link with subfield $y
1026 0 ⭐ Physical holdings + Link with subfield $y - Error
1 0 ⭐ Physical holdings + Link with subfield $y + ESTAR
845749 1396 Digital holdings
261347 6341 Digital holdings - Error
228 9 Digital holdings + BLDSS link
4247 0 Digital holdings + BLDSS link - Error
55 0 Digital holdings + BLDSS link + ESTAR
54 0 Digital holdings + BLDSS link + ESTAR - Error
1 0? Digital holdings + BLDSS link + SFX
64 0? Digital holdings + BLDSS link + SFX - Error
1 0 Digital holdings + ESTAR - Error
1 0 ⭐ Digital holdings + Link - Error
378125 77 ⭐ Digital holdings + Link with subfield $y
377 0 ⭐ Digital holdings + Link with subfield $y - Error
280 0 Analytics of digital holdings - Error
13 0 Physical and digital holdings
24 12 Physical and digital holdings - Error
139 0 Physical and digital holdings + BLDSS link
193 0 Physical and digital holdings + BLDSS link - Error
3004 0 Physical and digital holdings + BLDSS link + ESTAR
5046 0 Physical and digital holdings + BLDSS link + ESTAR - Error
9 0 Physical and digital holdings + ESTAR
133 0 Physical and digital holdings + ESTAR - Error
6 0 ⭐ Physical and digital holdings + Link with subfield $y - Error
1 0? Physical and digital holdings + BLDSS link + SFX
294 0? Physical and digital holdings + BLDSS link + SFX - Error
14267 23 BLDSS link
540 0 BLDSS link - Error
365 10 BLDSS link + ESTAR
32 0 BLDSS link + ESTAR - Error
13 0? BLDSS link + SFX
6 0? BLDSS link + SFX - Error
1 0 ⭐ BLDSS link + Link with subfield $y - Error
413488 85 ⭐ Link with subfield $y
63777 0 ⭐ Link with subfield $y - Error
17472 0 ⭐ Link without subfield $y – Error
18 1 ESTAR
2 0 ESTAR - Error
2754624 242265 No resource
62535 44302 No resource - Error
87318 6952 No shelfmark
394 112 No shelfmark - Error
2448 19 Unknown holdings - Error
290 17 Check individually
1 1 Test records to delete

In this context, ‘no shelfmark’ means that field 852 is present, but there is no shelfmark apparent. This may be an acquisitions record. ‘Unknown holdings’ means that one or more shelfmarks are present, but it is not immediately apparent whether these relate to physical or digital resources.

Note that records described as ‘No resource’ include BNB records.

Lists of record IDs for each category can be found in Reports/Categories of record/Record IDs by category.


We have various categories of record where there appears to be a shelfmark for a physical resource and an indication of electronic access via ESTAR and/or SFX. It does not make sense for a physical resource to be described in either ESTAR or SFX. These records may require further investigation.

Links present in records

Links present in field 856 in BLL01 fall into one of the following categories:

No. Category Indicators (in all cases, other indicator values are common) Subfields present Subfields with uniform contents Notes
1 Links for BLDSS material 40 3 u x $31850-9999 $xBLDSS These links are never actioned and do not need to be actionable.
2 ‘Genuine’ links to material hosted outwith the BL 40 u y $y usually contains standard text
3 Links to alternative formats of the same resource 41 u y This most commonly applies to Google books links within the record for the print book.
4 Links to related resources 42 u Examples include Flickr maps.
5 ETHOS links 40 u ETHOS links lack subfield $y
6 Links which look useful but which lack subfield $y 40 u There are several groups of links from reputable providers (e.g. Cassalini, US government departments) which we may wish to retain .
7 Links imported in error or present in records derived via z39.50 Various Various, usually including $u, and sometimes (but not often) $y These include links to tables of contents, and links for access pertaining to other institutions. They are out of scope.


Categories 2 and 7 and categories 5 and 6 have the same characteristics. In order to provide configuration parameters to Ex Libris, we will need to add or amend subfields to some instances of field 856. In particular, we may need to:

  • Add subfield $y to ETHOS links, and any links in category 6 which we wish to retain;
  • Delete instances of field 856 which fall into category 7.


Indicators in field 856 are not consistent. (The table above lists the most common indicator value, but there are many records with different values.) We should standardise them before migration to Alma.


It is not clear from Ex Libris documentation whether links for related resources or alternative formats (categories 4 and 3) are expected to be transformed using the p2e process, or whether such links might display as actionable links in the catalogue if not transformed using p2e. We need to find out, and make a decision as to how to deal with these links.

Links without subfield $y

Category 6, above, contains records with links which look useful, but which lack subfield $y. We should consider whether we want to retain these links.

In all cases, some of the links may need re-formatting to match the structure currently in use on the provider’s website.

Link target Example record ID Example field Notes
BL viewer 020498790 =856 41$u We would need to find out whether the URL format will work in future
Cambeiro 018647152 =856 41$u May be something to do with this:
Casalini 015101494 =856 42$u
Centre for Economic Policy Research 018755435 =856 41$u$zAlso available from the Centre for Economic Policy Research's website
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 019094681 =856 41$u$zConnect to PDF version
National Academies Press 013589667 =856 41$u
National Bureau of Economic Research 015752399 =856 \\$3Volltext$u$zDownload (PDF) via World Wide Web für Universität St. Gallen Extra subfields would need to be removed.

Links present in holdings records


Record 019988655 needs to be added to the list below. This contains =856 40$a The link was added to record after the initial analysis was run.

In addition to the above, there are 581 instances of field 856 in 574 records in BLL60. A significant proportion of these are either erroneous links, or duplicates of links also present in the parent bibliographic record.

It may therefore be sensible to transfer all instance of field 856 to BLL01 before migration.

When sibling records (i.e. holdings records attached to the same bibliographic record) are included, there are 1082 holdings records associated with the holdings records containing links.

Records can be downloaded from Reports/Records for linked-to material/Links in holdings records.


The spreadsheet Reports/Records for linked-to material/Links in holdings records/Links in holdings records.xlsx lists the shelfmarks and URLs present in all holdings attached to the relevant parent records.

In about 300 cases, it would be sensible to transfer all URLs to the parent bibliographic record.

Further analysis is required to decide the best course of action for Springer e-books. These typically have:

  • One holdings record with a shelfmark of the form ELD Digital store
  • One holdings record with an 852 field containing DSC only, and no shelfmark, and an 856 field containing $u
  • A BLDSS link in the bibliographic record, of the form =856 \\1850-9999$u$xBLDSS

The records fall into 7 categories:

Category Number of records Subfields in 856 General form of 856 852 596 Notes 856 in parent 859 in parent 959 in parent Notes on parent
ASME e-journals 33 $u, $y =856 40$uhttp://<journaltitle><xxxx>$yASME e-journal No =596 \\$aASME e-journal Equivalent 856 without subfield $y
Also: =856 \\$31850-9999$u$xBLDSS
=859 \\$aORR$bejournal Yes; mostly =959 \\$fCurrently received
De Gruyter e-book 46 $u, $y =856 40$u<ISBN>$yDe Gruyter ebook One record has =852 \\$aBritish Library$bSTI, which should presumably be deleted No Equivalent 856 without subfield $y =859 \\$aORR$bpurchased ebook No
East View e-books 169 $u, $y =856 40$u<xxxxx>$yEast View E-book No No No =859 \\$aORR$bdonated ebook No
Springer e-books 295 $u =856 40$u Mostly =852 \\$aBritish Library$bDSC 2 records have =596 \\$aSpringer eBooks (2005-2015) and no 852; the 856s in these records have a different form =856 \\$31850-9999$u$xBLDSS
Most records have other links without $x as well
=859 \\$aXLD$bejournal and/or =859 \\$aXLD$bejournal Mostly =959 \\$fCurrently available 852s in parent record indicate that there are print holdings as well
Crace maps 15 instances $3, $u, $y =856 41$3Copy at Maps Crace Port. <xxxx>$u<xxxx>.html$yDigitised map 852 with MAPS shelfmark No 856 should be moved to BLL01? 13 records have the same 856 in the parent; 2 are missing No No
IP Open Access 10 instances $u No standard form =852 71$aBritish Library$bSTI$cBIPC$hIP Open Access No No No No
  • 6 instances, 3 of which are errors (field tag incorrect)
  • Other 856s are:
    • 018127024: =856 40$u$u
      =856 40$u
    • 018127118: =856 40$u
    • 018127194: =856 40$u

BLDSS links


BLDSS links (category 1 above) are used as a flag to indicate that a resource may be ordered from BL On Demand. The link present in field 856 is never actioned by the user. The majority of such links are a ‘generic’ link to a publisher’s website, and many are no longer valid. It therefore does not make sense for BLDSS links to be transformed using the p2e process. On the other hand, we need to ensure that the BLDSS option is represented as a method of accessing the resource, i.e. the 856 fields do need to trigger some kind of display in the OPAC.

It may be sensible to consider transforming 856 fields containing $xBLDSS to 852 fields, with a standard shelfmark, so that resources could be ordered in the usual way. For example:

=852 41$aBritish Library$bHMNTS$jBLDSS

SFX records

SFX e-resources enable the BL to provide access to content that the Library does not ingest.

Category Number of records FMT 852 with print shelfmark 852 with digital store shelfmark Other 852 856 Other 856 (without $y or $z) 859 959 FFP
SFX - Check 1 SE N N $aBritish Library$bDSC$3Access via link to publishers website 2021- $3 $u $xBLDSS N $aXLD$aORR$bejournal AND $aXLD$bejournal$cSFX $fCurrently available $aY$bBLDSS-3PM
SFX - Check 1 SE N N N $3 $u $xBLDSS N $aXLD$bejournal$xSFX N $aY$bBLDSS-3PM
SFX - Check 1 SE N Y N $3 $u $xBLDSS AND $3 $u $xOA-J N ```$aELD$bejournal N $aY$bBLDSS-3PM AND $aY$bSFX
SFX - extra 856 - Check 1 SE N N N $3 $u $xBLDSS Y $aXLD$bejournal$cSFX N $aY$bBLDSS-3PM
SFX - extra 856 2 SE N N N $3 $u $xBLDSS Y $aXLD$bejournal$cSFX $fCurrently available $aY$bBLDSS-3PM
SFX 13 SE N N N $3 $u $xBLDSS N $aXLD$bejournal$cSFX $fCurrently available $aY$bBLDSS-3PM
SFX + Digital store - extra 856 - Check 1 SE N Y N $3 $u $xBLDSS Y $aXLD$bejouarnal$cSFX AND $aELD$bejournal $fCurrently available $aY$bBLDSS-3PM
SFX + Digital Store - extra 856 - Check 1 SE N Y N $3 $u $xBLDSS AND $3 $u $xOA-J Y $aXLD$bejouarnal$cSFX AND $aELD$bejournal N $aY$bBLDSS-3PM
SFX + Digital Store - extra 856 - Check 11 SE N Y N $3 $u $xBLDSS Y $aXLD$bejouarnal$cSFX AND $aELD$bejournal N $aY$bBLDSS-3PM
SFX + Digital store - extra 856 51 SE N Y N $3 $u $xBLDSS Y $aXLD$bejouarnal$cSFX AND $aELD$bejournal $fCurrently available $aY$bBLDSS-3PM
SFX + Digital store 1 SE N Y N $3 $u $xBLDSS N $aXLD$bejouarnal$cSFX AND $aELD$bejournal $fCurrently available $aY$bBLDSS-3PM
SFX + Print - extra 856 1 SE Y N N $3 $u $xBLDSS Y $aXLD$bejouarnal$cSFX AND $aELD$bejournal $fCurrently available $aY$bBLDSS-3PM
SFX + Print - extra 856 1 SE Y N N $3 $u $xBLDSS Y $aXLD$bejouarnal$cSFX AND $aELD$bejournal $fHeld but not currently received $aY$bBLDSS-3PM
SFX + Print - extra 856 6 SE Y N N $3 $u $xBLDSS Y $aXLD$bejournal$cSFX $fCurrently available $aY$bBLDSS-3PM
SFX + Print 4 SE Y N N $3 $u $xBLDSS N $aXLD$bejournal$cSFX $fCurrently available $aY$bBLDSS-3PM
SFX + Print + Digital Store - Check 3 SE Y Y N $3 $u $xBLDSS Y $aXLD$bejouarnal$cSFX AND $aELD$bejournal $fCurrently available $aY$bBLDSS-3PM AND $aY$bSFX
SFX + Print + Digital Store - extra 856 - Check 1 SE Y Y $aBritish Library$bHMNTS$jDIGITAL STORE $3 $u $xBLDSS Y $aXLD$bejouarnal$cSFX AND $aELD$bejournal $fCurrently available $aY$bBLDSS-3PM
SFX + Print + Digital Store - extra 856 - Check 1 SE Y Y N $3 $u $xBLDSS Y $aXLD$bejouarnal$cSFX AND $aELD$bejournal $fHeld but not currently received AND $aBritish Library$bDSC$j2303.890000 $aY$bBLDSS-3PM
SFX + Print + Digital Store - extra 856 - Check 1 SE Y Y N $3 $u $xBLDSS Y $aXLD$bejouarnal$cSFX AND $aELD$bejournal N $aY$bBLDSS-3PM
SFX + Print + Digital Store - extra 856 20 SE Y Y N $3 $u $xBLDSS Y $aXLD$bejouarnal$cSFX AND $aELD$bejournal $fHeld but not currently received $aY$bBLDSS-3PM
SFX + Print + Digital Store - extra 856 265 SE Y Y N $3 $u $xBLDSS Y $aXLD$bejouarnal$cSFX AND $aELD$bejournal $fCurrently available $aY$bBLDSS-3PM
SFX + Print + Digital store - extra 856 3 SE Y Y N $3 $u $xBLDSS Y $aXLD$bejouarnal$cSFX AND $aELD$bejournal $fCurrently received $aY$bBLDSS-3PM
SFX + Print + Digital Store 1 BK Y Y N $3 $u $xBLDSS N $aXLD$bejournal$cSFX $fCurrently available $aY$bBLDSS-3PM

Values found in field 859

The following values were found in field 859. Erroneous values are marked with a red exclamation mark (❗).

  • ELD ❗
  • ELD--ebook
  • ELD--ejournal
  • ELD--emap
  • ELD--escore
  • ELDzJapan.--ebook ❗
  • ORR--Alexander Street Press
  • ORR--donated ebook
  • ORR--ejournal
  • ORR--ejournal+ejournal ❗
  • ORR--JapanKnowledge
  • ORR--Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
  • ORR--purchased ebook
  • ORR--SAE mobilus purchased ejournal database
  • ORR--World Health Organization
  • XLD ❗
  • XLD+ORR--ejournal ❗
  • XLD--Cambridge Digital Library
  • XLD--datasets
  • XLD--DCW
  • XLD--DCW+France in the Americas Project
  • XLD--edepositIreland
  • XLD--ejouarnal ❗
  • XLD--ejournal
  • XLD--e-journal ❗
  • XLD--EThOS
  • XLD--EU Bookshop
  • XLD--georeferencer
  • XLD--GOOGLEBOOKS+France in the Americas Project
  • XLD--Knowledge Unlatched
  • XLD--Marcive
  • XLD--MS Digitised
  • XLD--MSD
  • XLD--Non-UK official document
  • XLD--Springer e-journal
  • XLD--UK Web Archive
  • XLD--WW1


Ex Libris. (n.d.). Ex Libris knowledge center. Retrieved from 'Physical to Electronic (P2E) processing' :