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Specific fields ‐ STA

victoriamorris edited this page Jan 27, 2025 · 6 revisions

Field STA

MG070 / MG070.1

Repeated fields

🆗 All issues fixed as part of Work Request WR-2501-0870.

There are 17 records in BLL01 which contain 2 STA fields. Of these, 15 records can be corrected by deleting one of the STA fields (see the table below), and 2 require slightly more complicated amendments.


STA fields =STA ## $bDatabase and =STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bunable to determine reason for suppression
Delete both STA fields and add =STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bDatabase


STA fields =STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bDuplicate of Aleph #020977604 and =STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bDuplicate of Aleph # 020977606
This is a duplicate of 020977606, but not of 020977604.

020986882 is a better record than 020977606, so 020977606 should be deleted and 020986882 should be un-suppressed.

Other records with 2 STA fields (click to expand)
Record ID STA field to keep STA field to delete
005470436 =STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bISSN =STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bNegative Record
005568429 =STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bISSN =STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bunable to determine reason for suppression
005570421 =STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bISSN =STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bunable to determine reason for suppression
005571147 =STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bISSN =STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bunable to determine reason for suppression
006861533 =STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bPreliminary Record =STA ## $aSuppressed$bunable to determine reason for suppression
006879333 =STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bPreliminary Record =STA ## $aSuppressed$bunable to determine reason for suppression
016194181 =STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bPreliminary Record =STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bunable to determine reason for suppression
007198354 =STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bDatabase =STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bunable to determine reason for suppression
009918089 =STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bDatabase =STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bunable to determine reason for suppression
012445868 =STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bDatabase =STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bunable to determine reason for suppression
013138137 =STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bDatabase =STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bunable to determine reason for suppression
020414900 =STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bRebatched as Serial =STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bRebatched as Serial
016888699 =STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bIngested as issues =STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bNegative Record

Invalid fields

🆗 All issues fixed as part of Work Request WR-2501-0870.

Excluding the records listed in the previous section, there are 376 distinct values in STA fields within BLL01. Of these, 19 are invalid and must be amended, while a futher 227 could usefully be amended to ensure consistency across all STA fields.

Table of invalid values (click to expand)
Current STA field Change to Number of records Record IDs
=STA ## $aSUPPRESSED =STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bunable to determine reason for suppression 8 012849367, 007030634, 009719019, 012849673, 015330439, 007175504, 012848102, 007030647
=STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$b. =STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bunable to determine reason for suppression 4 004962924, 004919140, 004972442, 004962932
=STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$b20220512 =STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bunable to determine reason for suppression 1 020829833
=STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bAccessioning record =STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bAcquisitions use only 1 012443010
=STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bAcqisitions use only =STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bAcquisitions use only 1 018673042
=STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bAcquisition record =STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bAcquisitions use only 1 021196889
=STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bAcquisitions only =STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bAcquisitions use only 2 018484815, 018375210
=STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bAcquisitions purposes only =STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bAcquisitions use only 1 016892929
=STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bAcquisitions record =STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bAcquisitions use only 1 012439744
=STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bAcqusiitons record =STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bAcquisitions use only 1 021049545
=STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bFor Acquisitions Use only =STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bAcquisitions use only 1 019362530
=STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bFor Acquisitions Use only. =STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bAcquisitions use only 1 019405186
=STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bMultipart: Acquistions use only =STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bMultipart: Acquisitions use only 1 012440024
=STA ## $aSuppressed$bunable to determine reason for suppression =STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bunable to determine reason for suppression 2 006861533, 006879333
=STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bvdep =STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bVDEP 17 017909210, 017909202, 017909271, 017909299, 018822437, 017909285, 017909320, 017909325, 017909232, 017909314, 017909303, 017909335, 017909238, 017909222, 017909280, 017909301, 018822421
=STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bVoluntary Deposit =STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bVDEP 5 017873807, 019551435, 017873964, 019547748, 018004277
=STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bVoluntary deposit =STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bVDEP 2 018623062, 020499997
=STA ## $bPreliminary Record =STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bPreliminary record 74 014054426, 013952542, 014055304, 013887201, 013825024, 014275229, 013952445, 014054490, 014015149, 014055721, 014054262, 013952198, 014058089, 013949689, 013952211, 014058316, 013952437, 014054241, 013949696, 013952503, 014015011, 014054293, 013949399, 014055312, 014055735, 014058147, 014099976, 013952231, 013797803, 014058513, 013796770, 014053989, 013817252, 013798462, 014017573, 014015138, 013887576, 013952041, 013952555, 013949868, 013952240, 013797237, 014055753, 013952191, 014054505, 013797249, 014466485, 014055254, 013949385, 013949659, 014055658, 014054014, 014058156, 014313115, 014308364, 013823204, 013952474, 014014905, 013952247, 013949220, 013808931, 013949244, 013949375, 014017172, 014014997, 014017283, 014055705, 014017479, 014055321, 013952533, 014101629, 014054318, 014054229, 014101664
=STA 1# $aSUPPRESSED$bAcquisitions use only =STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bAcquisitions use only 1 020500151

There are also 8 values in the STA field which suggest that the record could be deleted.

STA field Number of records Record IDs
=STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bDe-accesioned 2 000590044, 009777525
=STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bDeaccessioned 2 005570732, 005569675
=STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bDe-accessioned 9 019896726, 002639846, 008877835, 014934146, 020846947, 018156008, 020826215, 002639842, 009777526
=STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bDe-Accessioned 1 003726768
=STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bdelete 5 017853230, 017853225, 017853079, 017853220, 017853235
=STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bDiscard 2 016710183, 019476075
=STA ## $aSUPPRESSED$bNo longer required, new record created Jan 2020 22 013178267, 015694938, 015171707, 013458599, 015689399, 013667562, 015120823, 015689493, 015689516, 013220321, 015694956, 015171755, 015689557, 015689588, 014277601, 015120084, 014485434, 015694850, 015120276, 015176987, 013667520, 013731631

A list of records for which the STA field could usefully be amended can be downloaded from Reports/Specific fields/STA/STA fields to amend (optional).tsv.

A full analysis of STA fields can be downloaded from Reports/Specific fields/STA/STA.xlsx.