Releases: lilxyzw/lilToon
Releases · lilxyzw/lilToon
lilToon 1.2.6
- Custom UV for some textures
Normal Map Strength
to each function
properties for MatCap
- Adjustment properties to alpha mask and AO mask
- Properties for non-AudioLink compatible worlds
- Spectrum display for AudioLink
- A feature to customize shader safety fallback in VRChat
- Changed to use G channel of AO map as range of 2nd shadow color
- Changed to use each RGB channel of a MatCap mask
- Changed to remove custom UVs that had little impact on performance from shader settings and always enable them
- Changed sampler to trilinear
- Fixed an issue where the ForwardAdd path did not reflect the transparency of the refraction shader
- Fixed refraction / gem shader rendering
- Fixed an issue where the tessellation shader wasn't handling fogs well
- Fixed an issue where MatCap uv calculation of lite version wasn't working well in HDRP
lilToon 1.2.5
- Fixed an issue where the fur shader wasn't handling fogs well
lilToon 1.2.4
and Blur
properties for toon specular
- UV Mode in Emission
uint vertexID : SV_VertexID
to the input of the appdata structure
- Support for Light Layers (URP)
- Changed the display timing of the dialog for the function to scan shader settings from material animation
- Adjusted GUI a little
- Reduced the number of interpolators
- Changed algorithm for toon specular
- Changed function when skipping outline of lilToonMulti
- Fixed an issue where the worlds that do not support AudioLink could not be determined properly
- Fixed an issue where the environment light strength property was not applied in the fur shader
- Fixed ZWrite being turned off when switching rendering mode in transparent fur shader of lilToonMulti
- Fixed behavior when UV scrolling and rotation are used together
lilToon 1.2.3
- Extended UV settings for MatCap
- Anisotropic reflection
- Changed main color properties to be saved in _BaseMap, _BaseColorMap and _BaseColor
Multi Light Specular
Backface Mask
property to MatCap, rim light, glitter, and backlight
- Changed the RenderQueue of the opaque material in the Stencil settings button to match AlphaTest
- Fixed an issue where the preset RenderQueue was not being applied
- Fixed fur masking to be applied after fur processing
- Fixed an issue where shader rewriting was not being done properly in the UPM version
- Fixed missing localization
- Fixed an issue where a material would become dark in Planer Reflection when using Exposure in HDRP (HDRP 11.0.0 or later)
- Fixed an issue that caused parallax in distance fade
lilToon 1.2.2
- Add a button to change lighting settings with one click
- Fixed an issue where MatCap's custom normal map was not working
- Fixed an issue with tessellation splitting at long range
- Fixed an issue where some properties might not be scanned in the auto shader setting
lilToon 1.2.1
- Fixed an issue where the fur length property was not working
- Fix log date
lilToon 1.2.0
- New support for HDRP
Upper brightness limit
and Monochrome lighting
and Light Direction Override
- Backlight function
Root Width
property to fur shader
Shadow Mask
and VR Parallax Strength
property to MatCap
- Menu to the property blocks (multiple properties can now be copied and pasted at once)
- Function for shifting the backface UV
- One pass / two pass variations to the transparent shader
- Shader variation that use shader keywords
- Warning when selecting anything other than a material while the preset save window is open
- Macros for creating custom shaders
- Template of custom shader
- Changed RenderQueue of transparent shader to 2460 (added space for stencil)
- Changed RenderQueue of refraction shader to 2900 (avoid hiding through transparent materials)
- Changed to allow negative values for refraction strength
- Changed MatCap UVs to face the front even at the edge of the screen
- Renamed
Main Color Power
to Contrast
in Shadow Setting
- Supports switching of
- Changed
of transparent shader to Transparent Cutout
- Changed the default value of
Environment strength on shadow color
to 0
- Move change log to
- Fixed an issue where Parent Constraint could not be edited in play mode
- Fixed an issue where refraction shaders could interfere with some assets under certain conditions
- Fixed an issue where the SamplerState of the main texture was not being retrieved properly
lilToon 1.1.8
- Added lilToonGem and lilToonFakeShadow
- Added UV1 for glitter
- Added property to adjust the strength of parallax during VR to glitter
- Fixed emission color space
- Fixed an issue where glitter properties were not scanned when importing
- Fixed an issue where meshes were not decrypted on some paths when using Avater Encryption
lilToon 1.1.7
- Added color code next to HDR color picker (Unity 2019 or later)
- Added mask to main color correction
- Added distance fade to main color 2nd / 3rd
- Added glitter function
- Changed main color's color picker to HDR
- Fixed UPM import
- Fixed
Distance Fade
and Dissolve
- Fixed error in Unity 2019 URP
- Moved some processing to the vertex shader for optimization
- Changed transform calculation
lilToon 1.1.6
- Changed the default value of ZTest in outline from LessEqual to Less
- Fixed an issue where shadows were weakened when using
Lower brightness limit
- Added
Fix Now
button to help box