Releases: TeamStarDrive/StarDrive
Mars Patch v1.50.15015
What's Changed
- Audio Fix - Removing not working audios, balancing the weapon loudness and changing for few weapon sfx
- Audio Fix - flak mistakenly changed salvo - fix
- Audio Fix - Again fix for pd wrong name, commenting out few small impact sfx that were just annoying, too similar to each other
Mars Patch v1.50.15014
What's Changed
- Fixed ghost buildings sometimes locking tile on planets when governors are on. @gkapulis
Mars Patch v1.50.15013
What's Changed
- Feature: AutoArrange Button in Fleet Design Screen
- Feature: Enable Randomization of AI fleet composition.
- Docs: Notify users about shipyard hulls not being editable.
- Docs: Full Ukrainian Localization
- Docs: Updated Links in Help Topics
- Docs and UI: Added explanation when hovering over Biospheres in colony screen.
- Fix: Do not allow editing shipyard hull (unless in debug).
- Fix: Threat Timer was reset even though there were no fleets or str incoming. This cause false positive threats to be displayed to the player and also alerted the AI for nothing.
- Audio: Added another music to shipyard music since 1 theme is getting really annoying.
Mars Patch v1.50.15012
What's Changed
- Fix: Remnants over level 20 created portal every time they leveled up (though level remained 20).
- Fix: Multiple Portals reduce hibernation time.
- Fix: Remnant Warmongers and Peacekeepers bug constantly switching targets when checking valid targets, preventing them from attacking.
- Refactor: Remnant code.
Mars Patch v1.50.15010
What's Changed:
- Feature: Started working on Ukrainian localization.
- Fix: Allow Prototypes to be Stations (tether them to the planet on game start)
- Fix: Food planets going into import mode if they have large storage.
- Fix: Allow food planets to max their food income farming until storage is full.
- Fix: Allow some production if queue empty and not starving
- Text: Added correct defense ships tool tip in planet info
@SmischenkoB @gkapulis
Mars Patch v1.50.15009
What's Changed
- Fix: Finetune Remnant Defeat code.
- Fix: Assault shuttles return to hangar without launching troops after launch completion if Mothership is not in combat.
- Fix: Sound-loudness-on-menu-start-fix
- Remnants: Deal with Remnant fleets remaining after all portals are destroyed.
- Remnants: Balance of warmongers story end event.
- Remnants: Add better message for player when remnants are defeated.
@gkapulis @SmischenkoB
Mars Patch v1.50.15007
What's Changed
- Feature: Add Ctrl+0 to get fleet 10 (works only with screen height 1024px and above)
- Feature: Add Ctrl+Alt 1-5 and Alt 1-5 to create and select fleet 11-15 (works only with screen height 1024px and above)
- Fix: Loading ship design is not shown in fleet design and also cannot be selected.
- Fix: play correct sounds when installing/uninstalling Modules
- Balance: Reduce some of the UI volume.
- Refactor: Remove legacy unused ship pool code.
Mars Patch v1.50.15005
What's Changed
- Music Add specific music for shipyard.
- Music: Add SD2 music
- Refactor: Remove legacy option from ExampleMod
- Balance: Fortifume amd NanoGas
- Balance: Food consumption per Refining Point (for bb+).
- Text: Correction for Refined Aetherium.
@InvyX , @SmischenkoB , @gkapulis
Mars Patch v1.50.15004
What's Changed
- Audio: Added missing sound effects
- Audio: Fixed minor bugs and issues in the new audio engine
- Audio: Preview Effect volume in Options screen and fix a critical Async play bug with AudioHandles
- Audio: Reduce audio buffer duration and disable event sync
- fix: Improve projector search performance
- Fix: Allow changing music volume inside universe screen
- Fix: IconSize must be at least 1
- Fix: Adjust warp exit space.
- Fix: Player ship commands movement limitation
- Fix: Check Mining Ops ownership for starting systems.
- Fix: UI for unexplored planet screen.
- Fix: ability to add mining stations above limit.
- Fix: Encapsulate and cache ShipCostMultiplier to avoid concurrency issues with NaN.
- Fix: Update shipyards when tether is removed or added.
- Refactor: Research screen hardcoded text to localization
- Balance: Change FindShipAt scan from 10K to 150K
- Balance: Remnant Portal defense logic.
- Refactor: Remove unused parameter in AffectNearbyShips.
- Refactor: Added NaN trace for repair.
Mars v1.50 Major Release
Installation Instructions
- Do not install this release on your Stardrive Steam folder
- If you have Mars 1.41 installed, please remove it completely and install a fresh copy of this release
- Download link: StarDrive_BlackBox_Mars_1.50.msi
- Install the game to a modifiable location such as the default C:/Games/StarDrivePlus. DO NOT INSTALL INTO C:/Program Files/ !!!
- Start the game from Windows Start Menu or from your desktop "StarDrive BlackBox"
- If you get an error about not having XNA 3.1 Redistributable. Download the package here.
- For bug reports join our Discord Discussion
- Always include your blackbox.log, which is located at C:/Games/StarDrivePlus/blackbox.log
Major Features of 1.50
Mining Ops! Some Gas Giants can be mined for their Exotic resources, which will yield empire wide bonuses. To mine the resources, you need to deploy mining stations.
Mining Stations will launch small mining ships that will go into lower orbit to mine the resources. Mining speed depends on how rich the Gas giant is. Mining ships will bring the goods aboard the mining station and then a refining process will start. The refining process consumes food, which can be handled by your freighter fleets. Excess goods can be stored in a wide empire storages (this is abstract), which can be enlarged. The refining process creates the refined resources, there is a conversion rate, usually 0.5 at start (techs can improve it). So if you can refine 4 raw resources per turn, 2 will come out of the process.
New techs can improve imperial storage size, mining ships speed and refine ratio.
There is a new Exotic Resources window where you can see current bonuses (short key - M). The Mining Ops feature might need balance and be unstable. You can disable mining ops in the rule options screen, before starting a new game.
New Audio System with reduced memory usage and advanced modding support. This is a major change towards having a 64-bit StarDrive in the future.
Various fixes in hangar ships, research stations, repair and game UI.