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Christopher P. Brown edited this page Jul 28, 2022 · 8 revisions


Escape Meta Alt Control Shift


False starts

  • Spacemacs: too magical. Didn't understand where everything came from or how it worked. Would rather be in charge of making my own configs

How I actually got started



  • C-x C-e: execute any sexp under the cursor
  • M-x eval-buffer: reload the active buffer (e.g. ~/.emacs)
  • M-x list-packages: list packages
  • C-xb <Ret> jumps to default buffer. (always *scratch*?)

Double False Start

Update: I gave up on stock emacs because I couldn't figure out how to do simple things like installing plugins, and the community/availability of info was very lacking. I feel like there are blog posts and youtube videos out there for vim that simply aren't out there for emacs.

So I've been using spacemacs.

Triple False Start

Spacemacs is too magic. I don't like not knowing how to edit my config file or do other stuff. Now I'm running a much simpler, more emacsy setup based on m455's setup:


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