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dozens edited this page Oct 3, 2024 · 6 revisions


16:13 <ninenine> awesome, thanks!  This weechat is like a many sided puzzle.
16:13 <@vilmibm> ninenine: indeed it is
16:13 <@vilmibm> a true lament configuration of online socializing

weechat is an irc client.

irc is like slack for your terminal.


/server add <alias> <url>/<port>

/connect <alias>

C-x - toggle between servers


/list - list all channels on a server. this is often too much to read!

/join <channel name> - join channel

/part - leave a channel, keep the buffer open


Alt-<up> && Alt-<down> - cycle through buffers

/buffer <name> - jump to buffer named

/close - close a buffer

Alt-a - jump to recent activity

Alt-l - toggle bare display (good for copy/pasting)

Ctrl-Alt-< - (That's Ctrl-Alt-Shift-,) jump backwards through buffer history

Ctrl-Alt-> - (That's Ctrl-Alt-Shift-.) jump forwards through buffer history

Alt-p - Go to previous highlight

Ctrl-r - search backwards


/window scroll bottom - sometimes a search or a Alt-p will launch you too far back in time


query <name> <msg> - open a buffer and send a to

Direct Connect

you can send a file to somebody.

/help dcc


I use a laptop with a tiny little screen and sometimes it is useful and helpful to get some real estate back by hiding the buffer and nick lists.

  • /bar show|hide|toggle buflist
  • /bar show|hide|toggle nicklist

You can even hide the status bar if you want to:

  • /bar toggle status
  • Alt-z: hide other buffers

This isn't a bar but a "look" I guess, but sometimes on teeny tiny screens, I want to shrink the timestamp/nick bar as much as possible:

/set weechat.look.prefix_align none
/set weechat.look.align_end_of_lines time

To re-enable, the defaults are:

/set weechat.look.prefix_align right
/set weechat.look.align_end_of_lines message

Of course, you can always just use Alt-l


Sometimes people say sick shit and you don't wanna hear it and you gotta block they ass.

/ignore add <nick>


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