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Christopher P. Brown edited this page Feb 8, 2021 · 2 revisions


Yoga is...

  • now.
  • moving and breathing
  • Swedish calisthenics
  • a religion
  • a business and a commodity
  • a way of life
  • a practice
  • a disruption of the patterns of daily life
  • ... to still the patterning of consciousness [yoga-sutra 1:2]
  • the combination of practice (sustained effort) and nonreaction (nonattachment). [yoga-sutra 1:12] Or, effort and ease.

8 Limbs of Yoga

There are eight components of yoga: external discipline, internal discipline, posture, breath regulation, concentration, meditative absorption, and integration. yoga-sutra 2:29

Called Astanga Yoga

  1. Yama - morals, restraints, external disciplines. Clarify one’s relationship to the world of people and objects.
    • Ahimsa - not harming
    • Satya - truthfulness
    • Asteya - not stealing
    • Brachmacharya - celibacy. or, impeccable behavior, including sexual.
    • Aparigraha - not being acquisitive
  2. Niyama - ethics, obervances, internal disciplines. Personal principles governing the process of realization.
    • Sauca - bodily purification
    • Santosa - contentment
    • Tapas - intense discipline
    • Svadhyaya - self-study
    • Ishvarapranidhana - dedication to the ideal of yoga
  3. Asana - posture. "The postures of meditation should embody steadiness and ease" yoga-sutra 2:46. cultivating profound physical steadiness and effortlessness in meditation.
  4. Pranayama - breathing, breath energy regulation, sustained observation and relaxation of all aspects of breathing, bringing about both a natural refinement of the respiratory process and bodymind tranquillity
  5. Pratyahara - withdrawal of the senses, naturally occurring withdrawal from external sense objects as attention interiorizes
  6. Dharana - concentration, locking attention on a single object/field
  7. Dhyana - meditation (absorption), all mental formations relating to an object/field
  8. Samadhi - enlightenment (integration), sustained coalescence of subject, object, and perceiving itself

Three paths to enlightenment

  1. Karma Marga - path of work and duty
  2. Bhakti Marga - path of devotion and love
  3. Jnana Marga - path of study and knowledge

Seven Chakras

  1. Root
  2. Sacral
  3. Solar
  4. Heart
  5. Throat
  6. 3rd Eye
  7. Crown


Other concepts to flesh out: bandhas, kosha, kriya


  • Bhagavad Gita
  • Yoga Sutras
  • Light on Yoga

Selected quotes

  • "You have the right to work, but never to the fruit of work." - Bhagavad Gita 2:47

  • We do not use the body to get into a pose, we use the pose to get into the body. - _The Complete Guide to Yin Yoga, Chapter 2

Different styles of yoga

There's lots of different kinds of yoga out there.

Styles I've Tried

  • Forrest - invented by anna forrest. tough and healing. lots of binds, core strength and release, neck release.

  • Hot - usually a set sequence. longer holds.

  • Kundalini - Supposed to "awaken kundalini" energy and guide it up your chakras. Lots of chanting and kriya, which can be like elbowing yourself in the ribs over and over.

  • Nidra - Meditative "yoga of sleep". Usually starts with gentle movements, but then continues prone, guided by the teacher's voice.

  • Restorative - Sleepytime feel good yoga. Really long poses. Supported and easy. Passive relaxation.

  • Vinyasa - flowy. moving and breathing/breath to movement. What most people think of when they think of yoga.

  • Yin - Long, supported holds designed break up fascia. Yoga for joints, not muscles. 3 key pinciples:

    1. Come into the pose to an appropriate depth. (Playing with ones edge.)
    2. Resolve to remain still.
    3. Hold the pose for time.

Styles to try

  • Bikrim - Hot. Set sequence of 26 poses. 90 minutes. Invented by Bikram Choudhury, who is a bit of a bad hombre.
  • Iyengar - Invented by BKS Iyengar. Slower pace, longer holds, lots of props to reach deeper, safer expressions of poses.
  • Hatha
  • Astanga
  • Anusara -
  • Babtiste - heated power yoga
  • Bowspring -
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