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pressure cooker

Christopher P. Brown edited this page Aug 19, 2021 · 14 revisions

Pressure Cooker

Here's all the things I have cooked so far in my pressure cooker.

General Tips

Many recipes I've seen so far call for "natural release" but quick release seems to work great in nearly all cases. I also don't fill it up very full, which might be a factor to consider.

White Rice

Put rice in the thing, put water in the thing, and turn the pressure on high for 3 minutes.

Brown Rice

1:1 rice and liquid.

HP 10 minutes

Natural Release

Black Beans, No Soak

Put dry beans in the thing, cover with an inch of water, turn pressure on high for ~25 minutes. Quick release.

If you soak them even a little bit, try 20 minutes.

Black Beans, Pre Soak

  • Soaked for 4 hours
  • HP for 5 minutes (?)
  • QR, drain

came out great!

Spaghetti and Meatballs

Put frozen meatballs in the bottom of the thing. Add dry noodles. Add plenty of sauce and less than 1 cup of water. Pressure on high for 8 minutes.

Noodles may clump, but you can bust them up with a thing, and they'll still be tender / cooked.

Quinoa and black beans

Add a cup of quinoa and toast it on the searer. Add 1 cup water and 1 cup salsa and 1 can of beans. Pressure on low for 12 minutes.


Oatmeal ("Quick" Steel Cut)

These are steel cut "quick" oats. I don't know what that means. But.

  • 1:2 oats to water ratio
  • LP for 3 minutes
  • quick release

Came out good, pretty al dente.

Oatmeal (Steel Cut Oats)

  • 1:2.5 oats to water
  • LP for 6 min
  • QR

Scrambled Tofu

saute some garlic on the searer. Add a block of tofu and smash it all up. (Don't drain; you want the liquid.) Add a cup of salsa. High pressure, 3 minutes

Crisp tofu

  1. Press and drain.
  2. Cut into cubes. Season (optional)
  3. Put in the air crisper at 390 for 20 minutes

Elbow Macaroni

  • Low pressure for 3 minutes.
  • Quick release right away or they'll still get overcooked.

Hard Boiled Eggs

  • Cup of water in the bottom
  • Eggs on the steam rack
  • 6 min. HP + QR
  • Ice bath, and peel

Spaghetti Squash

  • Cut in half, scoop out flesh and seeds
  • Pour 1c. water in bottom, place halves on trivet
  • HP 8 min, QR


  • 1:2.5 farro:water
  • 7 min HP, QR

French Fries

  • shred up some potatoes.
  • air fry at 400 for 20 minutes. Shake em up often.

Burgers and Fries

  • put frozen french fries in the basket, and frozen beyond/impossible burgers on a rack in the basket
  • air fry at 400 for a couple minutes
  • finish off with bake/roast at ~360
  • check often: fries and/or burgers might finish before the other

Green Lentils

LP 6 min, NR

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